
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

27.3.1 Displaying the usage status of the process common memory and real thread private memory (-a option not specified)

The adbls -d mem command is executed to display the usage status of the process common memory and real thread private memory out of the shared memory allocated by the server process.

adbls -d mem
THREAD-NO   LIMIT         USE          FREE         MAX
0           1073741824    105840224    162660848    105840224
1           1073741824    901024       267600048    901056
2           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
3           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
4           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
5           1073741824    900512       267600560    900512
:               :           :              :          :

Explanation of the output items


Row 0 displays information about the process common memory.

Each row starting with row 1 displays information about real thread private memory.


Displays the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that is available for use by the HADB server.

If the adb_sys_memory_limit operand in the server definition is specified, an asterisk (*) is displayed.


Displays the amount of memory (in bytes) the HADB server is currently using.


Displays the amount of available memory that is not being used (in bytes).


Displays the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) the HADB server has used until now.