
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

2.3.2 When you want to check which chunks are to be archived based on a specified date range before actually executing chunk archive processing

Check which chunks are to be archived based on a specified date range before actually executing chunk archive processing, under the following conditions:


This example uses the following procedure to execute the adbarchivechunk command.

  1. Execute the adbarchivechunk command.

  2. Check the KFAA80245-I message to see which chunks include data in the specified date range.

Using examples, the following subsections explain each of these steps.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Executing the adbarchivechunk command

adbarchivechunk -u ADBUSER01              ...1
                -p '#HelloHADB_01'        ...2
                -r 2011/01/01-2011/12/31  ...3
                -t                        ...4
                TABLE01                   ...5
  1. Specifies the authorization identifier of the HADB user who executes the adbarchivechunk command.

  2. Specifies the password for the authorization identifier that was specified in the -u option.

  3. Specify a date range of chunks to be archived.

  4. Specify this option if you want to check the chunk IDs of chunks that will actually be archived before executing chunk archive processing.

  5. Specifies the table to be processed.

(2) Using the KFAA80245-I message to check which chunks include data in the specified date range

See the KFAA80245-I message that is output after the adbarchivechunk command is executed with the -t option specified.

The KFAA80245-I message outputs the chunk IDs of chunks subject to archiving whose values in the archive range column include data in the specified date range (January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011).

To perform chunk archive processing on these chunks, do not change any options other than the -t option, and execute the adbarchivechunk command with the -t option omitted. To revise which chunks are to be archived, correct the specified date range (in the -r option), and then execute the adbarchivechunk command.