
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

35.3.1 Changing the number of local work table buffer pages

This example uses the following procedure for using the adbmodbuff command to change the number of local work table buffer pages.

  1. Create a buffer-modifying option file.

  2. Execute the adbmodbuff command.

Using an example, the following subsections explain each of these steps.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating a buffer-modifying option file

This example creates a buffer-modifying option file and specifies the buffer-modifying option in that file.

Example of buffer-modifying option file
set adb_dbbuff_wrktbl_clt_blk_num = 256

Specifies 256 as the number of local work table buffer pages.

(2) Executing the adbmodbuff command

adbmodbuff /home/adbmanager/adbmodbuff.opt

Specifies the name of the buffer-modifying option file created in (1) Creating a buffer-modifying option file.