
Hitachi Advanced Database Command Reference

38.8 Notes

  1. Codes X'00' to X'1F' are converted to spaces, if specified.

  2. You must specify a semicolon (;) at the end of each SQL statement and adbsql subcommand. Any text following a semicolon is treated as a comment. If there is no semicolon, the line is regarded as being continued (the SQL statement or adbsql subcommand continues). The following shows an example.


    CREATE TABLE "T1" ("C1" INT,     ← Continued line
    "C2" CHAR(10),                   ← Continued line
    "C3" CHAR(10)) IN DBAREA01;      ← End of SQL statement

    When multiple lines are to be concatenated, the line break code is replaced with the space, and then the lines are concatenated.

  3. A string of characters in an SQL statement between /* and the first */ that follows the /* is treated as a comment. For details about comments, see Rules for separators in the manual HADB SQL Reference.

    A semicolon (;) between /* and */ is also treated as part of the comment.

    The following shows an example of a comment specification.


    /* COMMENT */ SELECT * FROM "T1";
  4. If a memory shortage error is returned from the HADB server (error message in the range from KFAA30000 to KFAA39999 is issued), evaluate the maximum size of the memory. If the KFAA96457-E message is issued, re-execute the adbsql command after some other process has terminated.