Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3 JP1/AJS3 - View window

The JP1/AJS3 - View window is mainly used for the following purposes:

This section describes the configuration of the JP1/AJS3 - View window, menu commands, transitions of the window, and dialog boxes to be displayed.

Organization of this section
15.3.1 Configuration of the window
15.3.2 Menu commands
15.3.3 Windows and dialog boxes displayed from the JP1/AJS3 - View window
15.3.4 Backup dialog box
15.3.5 Restore dialog box
15.3.6 Package dialog box
15.3.7 Define Details - [Job Group] dialog box
15.3.8 Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a root jobnet)
15.3.9 Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested jobnet)
15.3.10 Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a root remote jobnet)
15.3.11 Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box (for a nested remote jobnet)
15.3.12 Define Details - [Manager Job Group] dialog box
15.3.13 Define Details - [Manager Jobnet] dialog box
15.3.14 Define Details - [Planning Group] dialog box
15.3.15 Input unit name dialog box
15.3.16 Schedule Settings dialog box
15.3.17 Schedule Rule dialog box
15.3.18 Register for Execution dialog box
15.3.19 Passing Information dialog box
15.3.20 Register Passing Information dialog box
15.3.21 Variables Used dialog box
15.3.22 Cancel Registration dialog box
15.3.23 Register for Release dialog box
15.3.24 Selection of Release Target dialog box
15.3.25 Add dialog box (for a root jobnet)
15.3.26 Add dialog box (for a nested jobnet or job)
15.3.27 Shift Schedule Date and Time dialog box
15.3.28 Immediate Execution dialog box
15.3.29 Generation Selection dialog box
15.3.30 Rerun dialog box (for root jobnets)
15.3.31 Rerun dialog box (for a nested jobnet or job)
15.3.32 Execute Suspension dialog box
15.3.33 Release Suspension dialog box
15.3.34 Monitor Details - [Jobnet] dialog box
15.3.35 Execution Result Details dialog box
15.3.36 Preferences dialog box
15.3.37 Set Function Menu dialog box
15.3.38 Select Color dialog box
15.3.39 Create Color / Change Color dialog box
15.3.40 Display Item Setup dialog box
15.3.41 Set Default Values dialog box
15.3.42 Refresh Interval dialog box
15.3.43 Tool Settings dialog box
15.3.44 Tool Entry dialog box
15.3.45 Multi-execution Results dialog box
15.3.46 Monitoring Unit Select dialog box



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.