Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.28 Immediate Execution dialog box

The Immediate Execution dialog box allows you to immediately execute a jobnet in the Wait for start time status. For details, see 4.5.4 Executing a registered jobnet immediately in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview. For details about how to perform immediate execution, see 9.4 Immediately executing the execution schedule of a jobnet.

The following figure shows this dialog box.

Figure 15-55 Immediate Execution dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Jobnet name
Displays the name of the jobnet to be executed immediately.

Start time
Displays the execution start time of the specified jobnet. Also, select whether to add an execution schedule before immediate execution to the next execution schedule.

When schedule is pushed ahead
This specification is valid only when the selected jobnet is a root jobnet. To push ahead the start time, specify whether to add an execution schedule to the start time before the change. You can set Also in next schedule or Not in next schedule. The default is Also in next schedule.

Change date and time of all lower jobnets
With this item selected, you can relatively change the start times of all the jobnets under a selected jobnet. With this item cleared, you can change only the start time of a selected jobnet. By default, this item is cleared.



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