Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.27 Shift Schedule Date and Time dialog box

The Shift Schedule Date and Time dialog box changes the start time for a unit. For details, see 4.5.3 Temporarily changing the execution start time of a jobnet in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview. For details about how to change the date and time, see 9.3.1 Changing the execution start time of a jobnet.

The following figure shows this dialog box.

Figure 15-54 Shift Schedule Date and Time dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Jobnet name
Displays the name of the jobnet whose start time is to be changed.

Start time
Changes the time when execution of the unit is started to the absolute or relative time specified here. For details about how to specify the execution start date and time, see 3.3.2(1)(a) Setting the execution start time in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Specify date and time
Specify the absolute time when the execution of the unit is started.
The following table lists the values you can set, and the defaults.

Table 15-16 Specifiable values and defaults

No. Time Specifiable value Default
1 Year 1994 to 2036 Year before change
2 Month 1 to 12 Month before change
3 Day 1 to 31 (Number of days in the month) Day before change
4 Hours 0 to 47 Hours before change
5 Minutes 0 to 59 Minutes before change

Specify by relative time
Specify the relative time to change the previously set time. The default is 0.
To retard the time when unit execution starts, choose the + radio button. To advance the time, choose the - radio button.
Then, set days, hours and minutes.
The following table lists the values you can set, and the defaults.

Table 15-17 Specifiable values and defaults

No. Time Specifiable value Default
1 Day Blank character, or 0 to 99 Blank
2 Hours Blank character, or 0 to 47 Blank
3 Minutes Blank character, or 0 to 59 Blank

When schedule is pushed ahead
This specification is valid only when the selected jobnet is a root jobnet. If you want to push the start time ahead, you must specify whether to add the execution schedule at the start time before the change. You can set Also in next schedule or Not in next schedule. The default is Also in next schedule.

Change schedule of all lower jobnets
If you have selected Change schedule of all lower jobnets, you can relatively change the start times of all the jobnets under a selected jobnet. With this item cleared, you can change only the start time of a selected jobnet. By default, this item is cleared.



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