Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.6 Package dialog box

The Package dialog box is used to package unit definition information and calendar data. Packaged unit definition information and calendar data are called an object. You can use JP1/Software Distribution to distribute and register an object. If you click the Package button, the system executes packaging.

The following figure shows the Package dialog box.

Figure 15-11 Package dialog box.


The following explains the displayed items.

Unit name
Displays the name of the unit to be packaged. You cannot edit this item.

Cabinet name
Specify the name of the cabinet to be packaged. Use a character string of up to 32 bytes. The default is a blank. You cannot specify any blanks and any symbols other than hyphens (-) and underscores (_).

Cabinet ID
Specify a cabinet ID. Use a character string of two bytes. You can specify alphabetic characters (A to Z) and numeric characters (0 to 9). If the value consists of fewer than two bytes, the system adds 0 to its left to reach two bytes. The default is a blank.

Package name
Specify a package name. Use a character string of up to 50 bytes. The default is the name of the unit to be packaged.
You cannot use the following characters.
  • ( (Left parenthesis)
  • ) (Right parenthesis)
  • , (Comma)
  • : (Colon)
  • ; (Semicolon)
  • = (Equal sign)
  • / (Slant)
  • \ (Backslash)
  • Space
If a package name that includes any of the above characters is specified by default, you must change the package name.

Package ID
Specify a package ID. Use a character string of up to 44 bytes. You can specify alphabetic characters (A to Z), numeric characters (0 to 9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). You can set 256 IDs for one cabinet. The default is a unique ID containing the date and time.

Specify a package version. Use a character string of up to six bytes. You can specify alphabetic characters (A to Z) and numeric characters (0 to 9). The default is 000000.

Specify a package generation. Use a character string of four bytes. You can specify alphabetic characters (A to Z) and numeric characters (0 to 9). If the value consists of fewer than 4 bytes, the system adds 0s to the left to reach four bytes. The default is 0000.

Target to package
Specify a target to be packaged. In the default mode, this check box is not selected. To package only the calendar information, select Only calendar. You can select this item only for a job group.

Import destination
Specify an import destination. Use a character string of up to 961 bytes. The import destination is the full path name of the unit into which you import the packaged unit. The default is the full path name of the upper-level unit of the unit to be packaged.
You cannot specify the following characters.
  • ( (Left parenthesis)
  • ) (Right parenthesis)
  • , (Comma)
  • ; (Semicolon)
  • = (Equal sign)
  • Space

When a unit exists
If the import destination contains a unit, specify whether to overwrite the unit information. You can specify Overwrite or Do not overwrite. The default is Do not overwrite. You cannot specify this item if you select Only calendar for Target to package.

Execution result
If you click the Package button, the system displays the result of packaging.

Package button
Executes packaging. The result appears in the Execution result field.

Cautionary notes
  • If the full path name of the unit to be packaged contains a symbol, you may not be able to package the unit.
  • You can distribute a package created using Windows only to Windows, and a package created using UNIX only to UNIX.
  • In the following cases, an attempt to distribute a packaged unit results in a normal termination, but the unit is not distributed correctly.
    - During distribution of a unit of the same name, the destination unit is being registered.
    - During distribution of a unit of the same name, the destination unit has a lower-level unit that is being registered.
    - A package is distributed to a unit below the unit that is being registered.
    - During distribution of a unit of the same name, the destination unit is being suspended.
    - A package is distributed to a unit below the unit that is being suspended.
  • If the version of a linked JP1/Software Distribution Manager is 08-10 or later and you are using the user management feature of JP1/Base, you cannot package unit definitions and calendar information. If you want to package unit definitions or calendar information, link with a JP1/Software Distribution Manager that does not use the user management feature of JP1/Base.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.