Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.22 Cancel Registration dialog box

The Cancel Registration dialog box cancels execution registration for a selected jobnet. The following figure shows the Cancel Registration dialog box.

Figure 15-49 Cancel Registration dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Jobnet name
Displays the name of a jobnet for which you want to cancel execution registration. If you select multiple jobnets, the system displays, in Jobnet name, the jobnet name which is selected and which is at the top of the list area.

Cancel method
Select how to cancel execution registration. By default, All is selected when you open the dialog box from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), or Specify period is selected when you open the dialog box from the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) or the Monthly Schedule window.
  • All
    Select this option if you want to cancel all the execution registration for selected jobnets.
  • Specify period
    Select this option if you want to cancel execution registration for selected jobnets only for a certain period.

Date type
Lets you select whether you should specify Cancel period as a calendar date or an execution date of JP1/AJS3. You can select this option when Specify period is selected for Cancel method.
By default, Execution date is selected when you open the dialog box from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) or the Monthly Schedule window, or Calendar date is selected when you open the dialog box from the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window.
  • Calendar date
    Select this to set Cancel period with a calendar date.
    Cancels registration for a generation of jobnets that have a scheduled start time within a specified period. 24 hours from the base time set in JP1/AJS3 is considered to be one day.
  • Execution date
    Select this to set Cancel period with an execution date of JP1/AJS3.
    Cancels registration for a generation of jobnets that have a scheduled start time within a specified period. If the schedule of a root jobnet is based on 48 hours, 48 hours from the base time set in JP1/AJS3 is considered to be one day. If the schedule of a root jobnet is based on 24 hours, 24 hours from the base time set in JP1/AJS3 is considered to be one day.

Supplementary note
If you specify the cancel period from December 15, 2009 to December 16, 2009, the system treats the jobnet scheduled to start at 25:00 on December 14, 2009 as follows:
  • If you select Calendar date, the registration of this jobnet is canceled because 25:00 on December 14 is equal to 1:00 on December 15 in a calendar date.
  • If you select Execution date and the root jobnet schedule is based on 24 hours, 25:00 exceeds the boundary of 24 hours and is considered to be the next day (December 15), so that the registration is canceled.
  • If you select Execution date and the root jobnet's schedule is based on 48 hours, registration is not canceled. Although 25:00 on December 14 is equal to 1:00 on December 15 in a calendar date, the scheduled execution date of JP1/AJS3 (December 14) is outside the period to be canceled.

Cancel period
Specify the cancel period in the format "from [ ] / [ ] / [ ] to [ ] / [ ] / [ ]." You can select this option when Specify period is selected for Cancel method. You can set a period within the range from January 1, 1994 to December 31, 2036.
Note that you cannot set the end date that comes before the start date. Also, you cannot omit the start date or the end date, and any of the year, month, or day should not be left blank. The default is a blank.

Supplementary notes
  • You can open the Cancel Registration dialog box via the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window, and the Monthly Schedule window. If you have accessed the Cancel Registration dialog box from one of these windows, Cancel period displays the scheduled start date of a selected unit.
  • When you specify Cancel period, an error occurs in the following cases, preventing you from canceling registration:
    - There is no schedule for the specified period.
    - All schedules for the specified period are pseudo schedules.
    - There is any schedule for the specified period that is currently being executed.
  • Whether a schedule falls within the specified cancel period depends on whether the scheduled start time falls within the period.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.