Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.18 Register for Execution dialog box

The Register for Execution dialog box sets the method for registering execution.

In this dialog box, the displayed items vary depending on which radio button is selected for Register method.

The following explains the items displayed in common and the items displayed for each radio button.

The following figure shows the items displayed in common in the Register for Execution dialog box.

Figure 15-42 Displayed items in the Register for Execution dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Jobnet name
Displays the name of a jobnet to be registered for execution. If you select multiple jobnets, the system displays, in Jobnet name, the jobnet name which is selected and which is at the top of the list area.

Register method
Specify how to register a schedule for execution. The default is Fixed execution if you select a jobnet immediately below the planning group. Otherwise, the default will be Planned execution.
You can select one of the following methods for registration for execution.
  • Planned execution
    Executes a jobnet according to the calendar information or the schedule definition. If any changes are made to the calendar or the schedule definition after registration, the jobnet will be executed based on the new schedule.
  • Fixed execution
    The execution schedule is calculated for a specified period or number of generations according to the calendar information or the schedule definition at the time of registration. The scheduled execution date will not be recalculated if you make any changes to a calendar or a schedule definition after registering execution.
  • Immediate execution
    Jobnet execution starts the immediately after you register the jobnet for execution.
For details about how to register a jobnet for each type of execution, see 4.1.1 Methods of registering a jobnet for execution in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Pass Info button
When this button is clicked, the Passing Information dialog box appears. Here, you can specify the information inherited at the time of registration for execution. For details, see 15.3.19 Passing Information dialog box.
This button is located at the bottom of the dialog box.

Planned time passed when daemon starts
Select whether to execute the jobnet immediately or from the next scheduled day if the scheduled start time is exceeded when a scheduler service is started. You can select Execute immediately or Execute from next time. The default is Execute immediately. This item is valid when the service start mode is Warm.

Planned time passed when reg. for exe.
If planned start time has passed during registration for execution, you select immediate execution or execution from the next planned date. You can select Execute immediately or Execute from next time. The default is Execute immediately.

Fixed schedule period
Set a period for a fixed execution schedule. You can set the period from January 1, 1994 to December 31, 2036. You cannot, however, set a date for the end day that comes before the start day. The default is a blank.
If you set both Fixed schedule period and Future generation, the execution schedule is defined as follows:
  • When the planned execution count defined for the fixed execution schedule in Fixed schedule period is greater than the planned execution count defined for the fixed execution schedule in Future generation (per day in the processing cycle):
    The execution schedule is registered for fixed execution by the planned execution count defined for the fixed execution schedule in Fixed schedule period. If the fixed generation becomes smaller than the future generation, new generations are registered so that the fixed generation reaches the future generation.
  • When the planned execution count defined in Fixed schedule period is smaller than the planned execution count defined in Future generation (per day in the processing cycle):
    The execution schedule is registered for the fixed execution by the planned execution count defined for the fixed execution schedule in Future generation. If the fixed generation becomes smaller than the future generation, new generations are registered so that the fixed generation reaches the future generation.

Future generation
Specify how many execution schedules are created. You can set 1 to 99. The default is a blank.

Planned time passed when daemon starts
Select whether to execute the jobnet immediately or from the next scheduled day if the scheduled start time is exceeded when a daemon is started. You can select Execute immediately or Execute from next time. The default is Execute immediately.

Start condition
With start conditions defined, select whether to use those conditions to execute the jobnet immediately. The default is Do not use. You can specify the following items.
  • Use if defined
    Select this if you use the start conditions. If you select Use if defined, you can specify Valid range of start condition.
  • Do not use
    Select this if you do not use the start conditions. If you select Do not use, Valid range of start condition becomes inactive.

Valid range of start condition
Specify the number of executions under applied start conditions, or the period of execution. If Use if defined is selected for Start condition, you can set this item. For details, see 3.4.3 Valid range of a start condition in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

To set the valid range as the number of executions, in the Times dropdown list, select Unlimited or Number of executions. With Number of executions selected, you can set the number of times in the field to the right of the dropdown list. You can set 1 to 999. The default is a blank.

To set the valid term as time, in the Period dropdown list, select Unlimited, Absolute time, or Relative time.
With Absolute time or Relative time selected, you can set the value in the hour and minute field to the right of the dropdown list. For absolute time, you can set 0 to 47 hours, and 0 to 59 minutes. For relative time, you can set 1 to 2,879 minutes. The default is a blank.

Supplementary notes
  • You can select Register for Execution dialog box via the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window, and the Monthly Schedule window.
  • When you successfully register the jobnet to be executed by clicking the OK button, the system refreshes the status and result of the target jobnet only.
  • Because the information set in this dialog box is not saved, the previously registered contents do not appear.
  • The jobnet immediately below the planning group can only be registered for execution with a fixed schedule period specified. In the following cases, an error message will be displayed and you cannot register a schedule for execution:
    - You attempted to register for planned execution or immediate execution.
    - You attempted to register for fixed execution only with Future generation specified.
    - You attempted to register for fixed execution with both Fixed schedule period and Future generation specified.
  • If the value of Fixed schedule period is customized to exceed n months, clicking OK will display a warning message when you register for fixed execution. You can customize n, the number of months, as required. The default is Unlimited. For details about customization, see 11.4.3 Setting the warning message to be displayed when a jobnet is registered for fixed execution.
  • You can set passing information, irrespective of the method of registration selected in the Register for Execution dialog box. Note that passing information cannot be specified in a root remote jobnet.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.