Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.1 Configuration of the window

The JP1/AJS3 - View window supports two display modes:

The following describes the items that are displayed in each mode of the window.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Main window
(2) Summary Monitor window

(1) Main window

The JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) appears when you log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager while the start mode is Normal or Compatible.

The following figure shows the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) when the start mode is Normal. For details about start modes, see 4.1 Start modes of the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

Figure 15-3 JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) when the start mode is Normal


The following figure shows the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) when the start mode is Compatible.

Figure 15-4 JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) when the start mode is Compatible


The following explains the displayed items.

n Function Menu area

The function menu area displays function menus. This area appears only when the start mode is Normal.

You can change the items to be displayed in the function menus. For details about how to specify the items to be displayed in the function menus, see 11.4.1 Changing the function menu items to be displayed.

This function menu allows you to define units and schedules.

Job Group Definition
Click Job Group Definition to perform operations regarding job group definitions in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), such as creating a job group, editing the definition of a job group, or deleting a job group.

Jobnet Definition
Click Jobnet Definition to perform operations regarding jobnet definitions in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), such as creating a jobnet, editing the definition of a jobnet, or deleting a jobnet.

Calendar Definition
Click Calendar Definition to perform operations regarding calendar definitions in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), such as editing or changing the calendar for a job group.

Schedule Definition
Click Schedule Definition to perform operations regarding schedule definitions in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), such as editing or changing the schedule of a jobnet.

This function menu allows you to register jobnets and cancel registration of jobnets.

Register for Execution
Click Register for Execution to register a jobnet for execution in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window).

Cancel Registration
Click Cancel Registration to cancel the registration of a jobnet in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window).

Release Entry
Click Release Entry to perform release entry for a jobnet in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window).

Release Cancel
Click Release Cancel to perform release cancel for a jobnet in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window).

This function menu allows you to monitor jobnets and jobs.

Status Monitor
Click Status Monitor to check the execution schedule and result of a jobnet, the execution status of a jobnet, or generation information. Also use this menu item to re-execute or forcibly end a jobnet.

Summary Monitor
Click Summary Monitor to open the Summary Monitor window from the main window. For details about the summary monitor window, see (2) Summary Monitor window.

n Tree area

The tree area displays the scheduler services (root job groups) defined for JP1/AJS3 - Manager, and the subordinate job groups and planning groups.

A maximum of 20 scheduler services can be displayed. When two or more scheduler services are displayed, their display order is determined by whether the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager is of the Windows or UNIX version. When the Windows version of JP1/AJS3 - Manager is connected, scheduler services are sorted by name. When the UNIX version of JP1/AJS3 - Manager is connected, scheduler services are displayed in the order they are written in the file specified in the jbssetcnf command. For details on the jbssetcnf command, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.

For details about how to add a scheduler service, see 6.1.1 Settings for starting multiple scheduler services in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1 (for Windows) or 14.1.1 Settings for starting multiple scheduler services in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1 (for UNIX).

n List area

The list area displays the units that belong directly to the unit selected in the tree area. When the start mode is Normal, the units to be displayed differ depending on the chosen function menu item. The following table describes the relationship between the function menu items and the units to be displayed in the list area.

Table 15-2 Function menu items and units to be displayed in the list area

Function menu Menu item Unit to be displayed
Definition Job Group Definition Job groups
Jobnet Definition
  • Job groups
  • Unregistered jobnets
Calendar Definition Job groups
Schedule Definition
  • Job groups
  • Jobnets registered for execution
  • Unregistered jobnets
Execution Register for Execution
  • Job groups
  • Jobnets registered for execution
  • Unregistered jobnets
Cancel Registration
  • Job groups
  • Jobnets registered for execution
Release Entry
  • Job groups
  • Jobnets registered for execution
  • Unregistered jobnets
Release Cancel
  • Job groups
  • Jobnets for which release entry is performed
Monitor Status Monitor
  • Job groups
  • Jobnets registered for execution

If the root jobnet is being suspended, an icon appears to the left of the Name column in the list area to show the state of suspension. Otherwise, nothing is displayed.

For release target jobnets, in columns regarding definitions, such as Name, the definitions of jobnets with the Being applied release status appear. In columns regarding execution, such as Status and Result, information about each execution generation appears.

You can select more than one unit you want to display in the list area, by clicking them while you hold down the Ctrl or Shift key.

You can change the columns to be displayed in the list area and the sequence of the columns. For details about how to specify the columns to be displayed, see 15.3.40 Display Item Setup dialog box.

The width of each column to be displayed is saved when the window is closed or when the column to be displayed is changed.

Displays the icon and the unit name. The color of the icon is different depending on Status or Result. Using the Preferences dialog box, you can select the color of the icon and specify whether the icon shows the state or result of the unit. For details of the setting, see 15.3.36 Preferences dialog box.

Displays the current status of execution.
For details about the status to be displayed, see 6.1.2(1) Monitoring via the JP1/AJS3 - View windows in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Displays the status of the generation whose end date and time are closest to the current time.

Displays the unit type.

Displays any comments defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Start time (Status) / Start time (Result)#
Displays the start date and time or scheduled start date and time of execution in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format.

Rerun start time (Status) / Rerun start time (Result)#
Displays the date and time of re-execution in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column is a blank if re-execution is not performed.

End time (Status) / End time (Result)#
Displays the end date and time of execution in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format.

Execution type (Status) / Execution type (Result)#
Displays one of the following execution types:
  • Planned execution
  • Immediate execution
  • Fixed execution.

Start condition (Status) / Start condition (Result)#
Displays the number of times the start condition can be used and the expiration time for the start condition in the following format:

  • maximum-execution-count can be Unlimited or it can be the number of times the start condition can be used.
  • expiration-time can be Unlimited or it can be the expiration date and time for the start condition in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format.
This column is blank when no start condition is specified.

Processing time (Status) / Processing time (Result)#
Displays the length of time between the start and end of execution in hhhh:mm:ss format.
When the unit is being executed, this column displays the length of time elapsed from the start date and time.
If the unit was re-executed, this column displays the length of time that took for processing from the start of re-execution.

Time when start delayed (Status) / Time when start delayed (Result)#
Displays the date and time from which to start detecting delayed start in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column is blank when delayed start is not monitored.

Time when end delayed (Status) / Time when end delayed (Result)#
Displays the date and time from which to start detecting delayed end in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column is blank when delayed end is not monitored.

Execution ID (Status) / Execution ID (Result)#
Displays the execution ID in @[mmmm]{A-Z}nnnn format. No zero is appended before mmmm or nnnn.

Change Plan (Status) / Change Plan (Result)#
Displays whether a temporary plan change exists and the details about the change in the following format:

{change-option (details)}
  • change-option is either Yes or No.
  • details can be Change Time, Execution Prohibited, Previous execution prohibited, or Temporary linkage change.

These columns are displayed only for root jobnets. Note that these columns are not displayed by default. For details about how to display these columns, see 11.4.5 Specifying the columns displayed in the list area.

n Detailed information area

The detailed information area displays details about the units selected in the list area. The information to be displayed differs depending on the chosen function menu item. When you click an item in the Definition menu, the relevant information appears on the applicable pages. The following table describes the relationship between the function menu items and the columns to be displayed in the detailed information area.

Table 15-3 Function menu items and information to be displayed in the detailed information area

Function menu Menu item Page name Column displayed
Definition Job Group Definition Job Group
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Specify base day
  • Treat as
  • Set base time
  • Exec. order control#1
  • Connection range#1
  • Connection host#1
  • Connection service#1
  • Jobnet Connector#1
  • Exec. order method#1
  • Host to reference#2
  • Unit to reference#2
  • Owner
  • JP1 resource group
Jobnet Definition Jobnet
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Exec-agent#3
  • Concurrent exec.#3
  • No. logs to keep#3
  • Priority#3
  • Time-out period#3
  • Schedule option#3
  • Monitor jobnet#3
  • Hold#3
  • Recovery attribute#3
  • Exec. order control#4
  • Connection range#4
  • Connection host#4
  • Connection service#4
  • Jobnet connector#4
  • Exec. order method#4
  • Target manager#5
  • Host to reference#6
  • Unit to reference#6
  • Owner
  • JP1 resource group
Calendar Definition Calendar
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Weekly open Day
  • Weekly closed Day
  • Specific open day
  • Specific closed day
Job Group
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Specify base day
  • Treat as
  • Set base time
  • Exec. order control#1
  • Connection range#1
  • Connection host#1
  • Connection service#1
  • Jobnet Connector#1
  • Exec. order method#1
  • Host to reference#2
  • Unit to reference#2
  • Owner
  • JP1 resource group
Schedule Definition Schedule
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Valid range
  • Refer to a calendar
  • Exclusive schedule
Schedule Rule
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Rule number
  • Type of the jobnet start date
  • Start year and month
  • Start day
  • Start time
  • Processing cycle
  • Substitute schedule of closed day job
  • Monitor delay
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Exec-agent#3
  • Concurrent exec.#3
  • No. logs to keep#3
  • Priority#3
  • Time-out period#3
  • Schedule option#3
  • Monitor jobnet#3
  • Hold#3
  • Recovery attribute#3
  • Exec. order control#4
  • Connection range#4
  • Connection host#4
  • Connection service#4
  • Jobnet connector#4
  • Exec. order method#4
  • Target manager#5
  • Host to reference#6
  • Unit to reference#6
  • Owner
  • JP1 resource group
  • Register for Execution
  • Cancel Registration
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Registration-time
  • User who registered
  • Execution type
  • Planned time passed when daemon starts
  • Start condition#7
  • Valid range of start condition (Times)#7
  • Valid range of start condition (Period)#7

  • Release Entry
  • Release Cancel
  • Release target
  • Release ID
  • Release status
  • Release date
  • Release comment
  • Release source
Monitor Status Monitor --
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Type
  • Status
  • Scheduled start time
  • Start time
  • Rerun start time
  • End time
  • Time when start delayed
  • Time when end delayed
  • Start delayed
  • End delayed
  • Change plan
  • Hold
  • Execution ID

--: No page appears.

You cannot change the columns to be displayed or the sequence of columns in the detailed information area.

This column displays a definition only when the unit type is planning group. For other unit types, the column displays a hyphen (-).

This column displays a definition only when the unit type is manager group. For other unit types, the column displays a hyphen (-).

This column displays a hyphen (-) when the unit type is manager jobnet.

This column displays a definition only when the unit type is root jobnet. For other unit types, the column displays a hyphen (-).

This column displays a definition only when the unit type is remote jobnet. For other unit types, the column displays a hyphen (-).

This column displays a definition only when the unit type is manager jobnet. For other unit types, the column displays a hyphen (-).

This column displays a definition only when the execution type is Immediate execution. When the execution type is Planned execution or Fixed execution, the column displays a hyphen (-).

To select multiple units displayed in the detailed information area, hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key, and click the target units. You can perform operations while multiple units are selected.

Display-switching drop-down list
Use the drop-down list to switch the types of information to be displayed in the detailed information area. The types available are as follows:
  • Definition
  • Register for execution
  • Release
  • Execution generation
When the start mode is Normal, the types of information to be displayed switch, depending on the chosen function menu item. The following table describes the relationship between the function menu items and the types of information to be displayed in the detailed information area.

Table 15-4 Function menu items and types of information to be displayed in the detailed information area

No. Function menu item Type of information to be displayed Description
  • Job Group Definition
  • Jobnet Definition
  • Calendar Definition
  • Schedule Definition
Definition Displays the settings that were specified when a unit was defined.
  • Register for Execution
  • Cancel Registration
Register for execution Displays the information that was registered when a jobnet was registered for execution.
  • Release Entry
  • Release Cancel
Release Displays the information that was registered when release entry was performed for a jobnet.
4 Status Monitor Execution generation Displays the information about an execution generation.
When the start mode is Compatible, the display-switching drop-down list is enabled and you can freely change the type of information to be displayed.

Show button
Click the Show button to display the details about the units selected in the list area in the detailed information area.

The following describes the columns to be displayed in the detailed information area for each type of information you select from the drop-down list.

Definition (for the Job Group page)
Select this type to display the job group definitions. The columns display the settings specified in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box for the job groups selected in the list area.

Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Displays the type of the unit.

Specify base day
Displays a base day. A base day means the start day in each month. When a base day is specified as the number of days from the first day of a month, it is expressed as the nth day. When a base day is specified as a day in the week, it is expressed as a combination of an ordinal and a day in the week (example: First Monday). This column is blank when no base day is specified.

Treat as
Displays month handling. The month handling indicates whether to handle one month from the specified base day as this month or next month. This column displays None when the month handling is not specified.

Set base time
Displays base time. Base time means the time that begins the day. When base time is specified, it is expressed as hh:mm. The column displays No when no base time is set.

Exec. order control
Displays an option about whether to control the execution order of root jobnets directly under a planning group. The column displays either Yes or No.

Connection range
Displays the range of connection with a jobnet connector when Exec. order control displays Yes.

Connection host
Displays the host name of the host on which the jobnet connector to be connected is defined when Connection range displays Other service.

Connection service
Displays the scheduler service name of the scheduler service for which the jobnet connector to be connected is defined when Connection range displays Other service.

Jobnet Connector
Displays the full name of the jobnet connector to be connected when Exec. order control displays Yes.

Exec. order method
Displays an option about whether to synchronize the root jobnets directly under a planning group with the start time of a jobnet connector when Exec. order control displays Yes. The column displays either Synchro or Asynchro.

Host to reference
Displays the host name of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager that is referenced by a manager job group.

Unit to reference
Displays the name of the unit on the JP1/AJS3 - Manager that is referenced by a manager job group.

Displays the owner of the unit.

JP1 resource group
Displays the name of a JP1 resource group.

Definition (for the Jobnet page)
Select this to display the definition of jobnets. The columns display the settings specified in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box for the jobnets selected in the list area.

Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Displays the type of the unit.

Displays the name of the execution agent or execution agent group on which the jobnet is executed.

Concurrent exec.
Displays an option about whether to simultaneously execute multiple jobnets. The column displays either Enable or Disable.

No. logs to keep
Displays the number of logs to keep in the execution result log.

Displays a priority level. The column displays None when no priority level is specified. The column displays a value from 1 to 5 when a priority level is specified.

Time-out period
Displays expiration time. Expiration time means the length of time before a jobnet enters the Skipped so not exe. status if it has not been executed after the scheduled execution start date and time.

Schedule option
Displays a schedule option. A schedule option means a processing method performed by the system if the end time of a jobnet has exceeded the scheduled start time of the next generation. A processing cycle (shown in the Processing cycle column) must be defined in the Schedule Rule dialog box for such a jobnet.

Monitor jobnet
Displays the length of time required for execution as Time-required-for-execution n minutes when the delayed end of a jobnet is checked based on the time required to execute the jobnet. When the time required to execute a jobnet is not specified for jobnet monitoring, this column displays No.

Displays the setting about whether to hold the unit in advance.

Recovery attribute
Displays an option about whether recovery attributes exist. The column displays either Yes or No.

Exec. order control
Displays an option about whether to control the execution order of root jobnets. The column displays either Yes or No.

Connection range
Displays the range of connection with a jobnet connector when Exec. order control displays Yes.

Connection host
Displays the host name of the host on which the jobnet connector to be connected is defined when Connection range displays Other service.

Connection service
Displays the scheduler service name of the scheduler service for which the jobnet connector to be connected is defined when Connection range displays Other service.

Jobnet connector
Displays the full unit name of the jobnet connector to be connected when Exec. order control displays Yes.

Exec. order method
Displays an option about whether to synchronize the jobnet with the start time of a jobnet connector when Exec. order control displays Yes. The column displays either Synchro or Asynchro.

Target manager
Displays the host name of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager to which remote jobnets are transferred and executed.

Host to reference
Displays the host name of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager that is referenced by a manager jobnet.

Unit to reference
Displays the name of the unit on the JP1/AJS3 - Manager that is referenced by a manager jobnet.

Displays the owner of the unit.

JP1 resource group
Displays the name of a JP1 resource group.

Definition (for the Calendar page)
Select this to display the definition of calendars. The columns display the settings that are specified in the Edit Monthly Calendar window and Edit Annual Calendar window for the job groups selected in the list area for each year. When a calendar is specified for a upper-level job group, information on that calendar is also displayed.

Display Period
Displays the period of the calendar information to be displayed when the Calendar page is displayed. The default display period is one year from the local month of the scheduler service on the connection target host when the Calendar page is displayed. For details about local dates for a scheduler service, see ajslocaldate in 3. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

<< button
Appears when the Calendar page is displayed. Click this button to display the calendar information before the current display period.

>> button
Appears when the Calendar page is displayed. Click this button to display the calendar information after the current display period.

Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Displays the type of the unit.

Weekly open Day
Displays the days of the week for open days specified in Standard week in the Edit Monthly Calendar window or Edit Annual Calendar window. This column displays a blank when no weekly open day is specified.

Weekly closed Day
Displays the days of the week for closed days specified in Standard week in the Edit Monthly Calendar window or Edit Annual Calendar window. This column displays a blank when no weekly close day is specified.

Specific open day
Displays the specific open days specified in the calendar area in the Edit Monthly Calendar window or Edit Annual Calendar window in month/day format. This column displays a blank when no specific open day is specified.

Specific closed day
Displays the specific closed days specified in the calendar area in the Edit Monthly Calendar window or Edit Annual Calendar window in month/day format. This column displays a blank when no specific closed day is specified.

Definition (for the Schedule page)
Select this to display the definition of schedules. The columns display the settings specified in the Schedule Settings dialog box for the jobnets selected in the list area.

Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Displays the type of the unit.

Valid range
Displays the valid period for schedule rules in yyyy/MM/dd format. This column displays a hyphen (-) when no valid period is specified.

Refer to a calendar
Displays the name of the job group that owns the target calendar when the job group containing the selected jobnet references the calendar information of a job group in another level. This column displays None when the calendar information of job groups in other levels is not referenced.

Exclusive schedule
Displays the name of a jobnet to be exclusively executed so that it will not be executed on the same day when other jobnets are executed. This column displays None when such a jobnet is not specified.

Definition (for the Schedule Rule page)
Select this to display schedule rules. The columns display the settings specified in the Schedule Rule dialog box for the jobnets selected in the list area.

Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Displays the type of the unit.

Rule number
Displays a rule number.

Type of the jobnet start date
Displays the type of an execution start day.

Start year and month
Displays the start year and month in yyyy/MM format. This column displays an asterisk (*) when no start year and month is specified.

Start day
Displays the start date in dd format. This column displays an asterisk (*) when Type of the jobnet start date displays Registered day.

Start time
Displays the start time in hh:mm (absolute or relative) format.

Processing cycle
Displays the specified processing cycle as Exceution every n cycle. This column displays a hyphen (-) when no processing cycle is specified.

Substitute schedule of closed day job
Displays a substitution method when the execution day is a closed day. This column displays a hyphen (-) when Type of the jobnet start date displays Open day.

Monitor delay
Displays the monitoring method for delayed start and delayed end.

Register for execution
Select this type to display information about the units that were registered for execution. The columns display the settings specified in the Register for Execution dialog box for the jobnets selected in the list area. Note that the information regarding the jobnets registered for execution is not displayed when generations are deleted because of management of the number of logs to keep or cancellation of registration.
When you select a planning group in the list area, the information to be displayed concerns the subordinate root jobnets that were registered for execution.
Note that jobnets that were not registered for execution are not displayed here.

Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Displays the type of the unit.

The date and time when the jobnet was registered for execution is displayed in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format.

User who registered
Displays the JP1 user who registered the jobnet for execution.

Execution type
Displays the type of execution.

Planned time passed when daemon starts
Displays an option about whether to execute the jobnet immediately or execute it on the next scheduled execution day if the scheduled start time has passed when the scheduler service starts. This column displays a hyphen (-) when Execution type displays Immediate execution.

Start condition
Displays an option about whether to execute the jobnet using a start condition when it is registered for immediate execution and a start condition is defined. This column displays a hyphen (-) when Execution type displays Planned execution or Fixed execution.

Valid range of start condition (Times)
Displays the maximum number of times a start condition can be used for execution. This column displays Unlimited or n times. The column displays a hyphen (-) when Start condition displays Do not use.

Valid range of start condition (Period)
Displays the length of time allowed before a start condition expires. This column displays Unlimited, hh:mm (absolute time), or n (relative time in minutes). The column displays a hyphen (-) when Start condition displays Do not use.

Select this type to display the release information about release target jobnets. The columns display the settings specified in the Register for Release dialog box for the jobnets selected in the list area.
Note that jobnets without release information are not displayed here. Also note that release information is not displayed when the release status is Applied.

Release target
Displays an icon indicating release and the unit name of the release target jobnet.

Release ID
Displays the release ID defined in the Register for Release dialog box.

Release status
Displays release status.

Release date
Displays the release date and time defined in the Register for Release dialog box in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format.

Release comment
Displays the comment defined in the Register for Release dialog box.

Release source
Displays the full name of a release source jobnet.

Execution generation
Select this to display information about the execution generations of units.
When you select a planning group in the list area, generation information about subordinate root jobnets is displayed.
Note that jobnets that were not registered for execution are not displayed here.

Displays the icon and the name of a unit. The color of the icon changes depending on the status or result status of the unit.
To determine the colors for icons, use the General page in the Preferences dialog box. For details, see 15.3.36 Preferences dialog box.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for a unit.

Displays the type of the unit.

Displays the status (delay) of the unit.

Scheduled start time
Displays the scheduled start date and time in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the jobnet is not scheduled to be started.

Start time
Displays the start date and time in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the jobnet is not started.

Rerun start time
Displays the re-execution start date and time in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the jobnet is not to be re-executed.

End time
Displays the end date and time in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the jobnet has not ended.

Time when start delayed
Displays the date and time at which to begin detection of delayed start in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when delayed start is not monitored.

Time when end delayed
Displays the date and time at which to begin detection of delayed end in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when delayed end is not monitored.

Start delayed
Displays an option about whether to detect delayed start.

End delayed
Displays an option about whether to detect delayed end.

Change plan
Displays an option about whether the plan for the unit is to be temporarily changed. When the plan is to be temporarily changed, the plan itself is also displayed.

Displays an option about whether the unit is being held.
If you have specified an option in Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box, the specified settings are displayed here. If you have used Change Hold Attribute to set up or cancel hold, this column displays Yes or No.

Execution ID
Displays an execution ID in @[mmmm]{A-Z}nnnn format.

Supplementary note
The subwindow to be displayed when you double-click a displayed unit differs depending on the displayed page or the type of displayed information. The following table lists the subwindows to be displayed when you double-click a unit.

Table 15-5 Subwindows to be displayed when you double-click a unit

Type of information displayed Page displayed Subwindow to be displayed
Definition Job Group Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box
Jobnet Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box
Calendar Edit Monthly Calendar window#1
Schedule Schedule Settings dialog box
Register for execution -- None
Release -- None
Execution generation -- Jobnet Monitor window#2

--: No page appears.

You can customize the display of the Edit Annual Calendar window. For details about how to do so, see 11.6.2 Specifying the format of the calendar displayed first.
To match the display period on the Calendar page with the display period in the window to be displayed when you double-click a unit, we recommend that you customize the display of the Edit Annual Calendar window.

When the displayed information concerns an execution generation, the monitor mode is set to Fixed Monitor in the Jobnet Monitor window. The option specified in Monitoring mode when Jobnet Monitor starts in the Preferences dialog box does not apply.

(2) Summary Monitor window

The JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window) appears when you log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager while the start mode is Monitoring. When the start mode is Normal, you can move to this window from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) by clicking the Summary Monitor function menu item. When the start mode is Compatible, click View and then Summary Monitor to move to the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window).

For details about start modes, see 4.1 Start modes of the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

The JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window) allows you to monitor how jobnets are executed, such as the progress of jobnets, status of subordinate jobs, and scheduled end time.

The following figure shows the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window) when the start mode is Normal.

Figure 15-5 JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window) when the start mode is Normal


The following figure shows the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window) when the start mode is Monitoring or Compatible.

Figure 15-6 JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window) when the start mode is Monitoring or Compatible


The following explains the displayed items.

n Function Menu area

The function menu area displays function menus. This area appears only when the start mode is Normal.

When you click an item other than Summary Monitor, the window changes to the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window).

n Day for Monitor

Select a date for performing monitoring. By default, the date when JP1/AJS3 - View starts is set. For details, see 6.1.2(1) Monitoring via the JP1/AJS3 - View windows in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

n Update button

Click this button to update the contents of the summary list and the unit detailed information list.

n Pause of automatic update check box

When you select this check box, automatic update of unit information in the summary monitor window temporarily stops. If you have chosen Not do in Auto refresh in the Refresh Interval dialog box, the Pause of automatic update check box is disabled. For details about how to specify an update interval for the JP1/AJS3 - View window, see 11.4.2 Setting the window refresh interval.

n Summary list

The summary list displays a list of units to be monitored. You can specify root jobnets, root remote jobnets, and planning groups as monitoring targets. You can specify any of these targets regardless of the scheduler service or the level of the job group.

In the summary list, one unit is displayed on one line. When a unit is executed multiple times on a monitoring day, the monitoring results of multiple generations are combined and shown here. At the bottom of the summary list, the total number of monitored units is shown.

If a root jobnet is being suspended, an icon appears on the left of the # column in the summary list to indicate that the root jobnet is being suspended. No icon appears when the jobnet is not being suspended.

To select multiple units in the summary list, hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key and click the target units. Note, however, that you cannot manipulate multiple units at the same time.

In the following cases, a hyphen (-) appears in columns other than # and Unit name:

Setting button
Click this button to display the Monitoring Unit Select dialog box where you can add or delete units to be monitored. For details about the Monitoring Unit Select dialog box, see 15.3.46 Monitoring Unit Select dialog box.

Progress drop-down list
Use this drop-down list to specify the unit status to be included in the result. The option you specify here only affects the Progress column, the result part of the Result/Schedule column, and the Remainder column. The drop-down list provides the following options:
  • Ended normally
    Includes normally ended units in the result.
  • Ended normally & with warning
    Includes normally ended units and units ended with a warning in the result.
  • Ended normally & with warning & abnormally
    Includes normally ended units, units ended with a warning, and abnormally ended units in the result.
By default, Ended normally & with warning is selected.

Displays a number. Numbers are assigned to the units in the sequence they are specified in the Monitoring Unit Select dialog box.

Unit name
Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit. This column displays the comment of the generation with a scheduled end date and time that are furthest in the future if the definition of a jobnet is changed during monitoring due to jobnet release or for other reasons.

Displays the total number of generations to be monitored on the monitoring day. For details, see 6.1.2(1) Monitoring via the JP1/AJS3 - View windows in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

End time (schd.)
Displays the scheduled end date and time of the target unit in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format.
This column displays the scheduled end date and time that are furthest in the future when multiple generations are executed on the monitoring day.
The column displays the latest end date and time when all generations have ended.
For details, see 8.3 Monitoring the progress.

Displays how far the target unit has completed (in %) on the monitoring day. For details about how progress is calculated, see 6.1.2(1) Monitoring via the JP1/AJS3 - View windows in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Displays the total number of units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day (number of scheduled units) and the number of units that have ended (number of executed units) in number-of-executed-units/number-of-scheduled-units format. The number of executed units changes depending on the option selected in the Progress drop-down list.
Note that the following units are not included in the number of executed units or the number of scheduled units.
  • Units under a jobnet with a start condition when the jobnet's generations to be monitored are in the following status:
    - Now monitoring
    - Monitor-end normal
    - Unmonitored + Ended
    - Monitor terminated
    - Interrupted monitoring
  • Jobnets which are the connection targets of jobnet connectors and units under such jobnets
  • Units under root remote jobnets and nested remote jobnets

Displays the number of units that need to be ended before the percentage of completion (value in the Progress column) reaches 100% on the monitoring day. Specifically, this column displays the difference between the number of scheduled units and the number of executed units that are displayed in the Result/Schedule column.

Ended Abnormally
Displays the number of abnormally ended units among the units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day.

Ended with Warning
Displays the number of units that ended with a warning among the units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day.

Displays the number of delayed units among the units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day.

Being held
Displays the number of units being held among the units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day.

Waiting to start
Displays the number of units waiting to be started among the units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day.

Now running
Displays the number of units being executed among the units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day.

Ended Normally
Displays the number of successfully ended units among the units with generations to be monitored on the monitoring day.

Supplementary note
For details about the status types, see 6.1.2(1) Monitoring via the JP1/AJS3 - View windows in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

n Unit detailed information list

The unit detailed information list displays detailed information about the root jobnets, root remote jobnets or planning groups selected in the summary list, and their subordinate units. In this list, one generation of a unit is displayed on one line.

To select multiple units in the unit detailed information list, hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key and click the target units. You can manipulate multiple units at the same time.

If you select a root remote jobnet in the summary list, the information about the subordinate units is not displayed here. If you select a planning group in the summary list, only the information about the subordinate units is displayed here.

Unit name
Displays the icon and the name of a unit.

Displays the comment defined in the Define Details dialog box for the unit.

Displays the execution status and the corresponding color. To determine the colors for execution status, use the General page in the Preferences dialog box. For details, see 15.3.36 Preferences dialog box.

Start time
Displays the start date and time in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. For units that have not started yet, this column displays the date and time calculated from an execution simulation like that used in the Daily Schedule window.

End time
Displays the end date and time in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. For units that have not ended yet, this column displays the date and time calculated from an execution simulation like that used in the Daily Schedule window.

Execution ID
Displays an execution ID. This column displays a blank for dummy schedules.

Supplementary note
When you double-click a displayed unit, the Jobnet Monitor window appears for the unit.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.