Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.2 Menu commands

This subsection describes the menu commands that are available in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) and the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window).

Organization of this subsection
(1) Menu commands in the main window
(2) Menu commands in the summary monitor window

(1) Menu commands in the main window

The following table lists the menu commands in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window). Note that some menu commands might not appear or might be disabled depending on the chosen function menu item.

Table 15-6 Menu commands in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window)

Menu Menu command Description Dialog box displayed
File Backup Specifies how to back up a unit. Backup
Restore Specifies how to restore a unit. Restore
Package Packages a calendar and jobnet. Package
New Window Displays the JP1/AJS3 - View window in another window. The type of window to be displayed differs depending on the start mode.
  • When the start mode is Normal: Main window
  • When the start mode is Compatible: The window that was displayed at the previous logout (main or Summary Monitor window)
Close Closes the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window). --
Exit Logs out of JP1/AJS3 - Manager. --
Edit New - Job Group Creates a new job group right under the job group selected in the tree area or right under the planning group. Define Details - [Job Group]
New - Jobnet Creates a new jobnet right under the job group selected in the tree area or right under the planning group. Define Details - [Jobnet]
New - Remote Jobnet Creates a new remote jobnet right under the job group selected in the tree area. Define Details - [Remote Jobnet]
New - Manager Job Group Creates a new manager job group right under the job group selected in the tree area. Define Details - [Manager Job Group]
New - Manager Jobnet Creates a new manager jobnet right under the job group selected in the tree area. Define Details - [Manager Jobnet]
New - Planning Group Creates a new planning group right under the job group selected in the tree area. Define Details - [Planning Group]
  • Displays the Jobnet Editor window if a jobnet or a remote jobnet are selected.
  • Otherwise, the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box displays.
Define Details - [icon-name]
Copy#1 Copies a unit selected in the tree area or the list area. --
  • Pastes a copied unit name right under the unit selected in the list area.
  • If the system finds the same unit name to be passed, the command displays the Input unit name dialog box if only one copy source exists. If more than one copy source exists, this command automatically generates unit names.
Input unit name
Delete#1 Deletes the unit selected in the tree or list areas. --
Select All#1 Selects all the units in the area containing a selected unit. --
Search Displays the Search window for the unit selected in the tree area. --
  • Edits a jobnet schedule.
  • With a jobnet selected, displays the Schedule Settings dialog box.
  • Displays the Schedule Rule dialog box if you choose Add, Edit or Copy in the Schedule Settings dialog box.

  • Schedule Settings
  • Schedule Rule
Calendar#2 With a job group selected, displays the Edit Monthly Calendar window. --
Properties Displays and edits unit definitions. The dialog box name varies with a selected unit. Define Details - [icon-name]
Operations Register for Execution#1, #3 Registers a selected jobnet for execution.
  • Register for Execution
  • Passing Information
  • Register Passing Information
  • Variables Used
Cancel Registration#1, #3 Cancels a jobnet from those jobnets registered for execution that have been selected. Cancel Registration
Release Entry#3 Performs release entry using the selected root jobnet as the release source.
  • Register for Release
  • Selection of Release Target
Release Cancel#3 Cancels the scheduled release for the selected release target jobnet. --
Add#3, #4, #5 Adds a fixed execution schedule for the selected date and time.
  • Add
  • Passing Information
  • Register Passing Information
  • Variables Used
Change Plan - Change Time#1, #4, #6 Changes the scheduled start date and time for the selected root jobnet. Shift Schedule Date and Time
Change Plan - Execute Immediately#1, #3, #5 Advances and executes the next execution schedule of the jobnet registered for planned execution or the execution schedule of the jobnet registered for fixed execution. Immediate Execution
Change Plan - Execution Prohibited#1, #3, #5 Cancels the next execution schedule of the jobnet registered for planned execution or the execution schedule of the jobnet registered for fixed execution. --
Change Plan - Release Change#3, #5, #7 Cancels the date and time change or execution cancellation of the next execution schedule of the jobnet registered for planned execution, or the execution schedule of the jobnet registered for fixed execution. --
Execution Prohibited#1, #3 Cancels the execution schedule for a selected root jobnet. --
Change Hold Attribute- Hold#1, #3 Sets the hold attribute of the selected root jobnet. Generation Selection
Change Hold Attribute - Hold-Release#1, #3 Cancels the hold attribute of the selected root jobnet. Generation Selection
Interrupted#1, #3 Interrupts the selected jobnet. --
Kill#1, #3 Forcibly terminates the selected root jobnet. --
Rerun#1, #3 Re-executes the selected jobnet.
  • Generation Selection
  • Rerun
Suspension - Suspend#3 Puts a root jobnet into the suspended mode to make it possible to change the unit definition below the root jobnet being registered for execution. Execute Suspension
Suspension - Release Suspension#3 Cancels the suspended state of root jobnet. Release Suspension
View Summary Monitor#6 Changes the current window to the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window). --
Detail Information Area - Display Information - Definition#6 Changes the information displayed in the detailed information area to definitions. --
Detail Information Area - Display Information - Register for Execution#6 Changes the information displayed in the detailed information area to information about jobnets registered for execution. --
Detail Information Area - Display Information - Release#6 Changes the information displayed in the detailed information area to release information. --
Detail Information Area - Display Information - Execution Generation#6 Changes the information displayed in the detailed information area to information about execution generations. --
Detail Information Area - Area Size - Minimum Minimizes the display size of the detailed information area. --
Detail Information Area - Area Size - Restore Restores the display size of the detailed information area to the original size if it is minimized. --
Daily Schedule - Hierarchy Displays the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window. --
Daily Schedule - All Jobs Displays the Daily Schedule [All Jobs] window. --
Monthly Schedule Displays the Monthly Schedule window. --
Jobnet Monitor - Status#3 Displays the Jobnet Monitor window for checking the status of a jobnet. --
Jobnet Monitor - Result#3 Displays the Jobnet Monitor window for checking the results of a jobnet. --
Jobnet Monitor - Next Schedule#3 Displays the Jobnet Monitor window for checking the next execution schedule for a jobnet. --
Detailed Information - Status#3
  • Displays the Monitor Details dialog box for checking the status of a jobnet.
  • Displays the Execution Result Details dialog box when you click the Details button in the Monitor Details dialog box if you have selected a remote jobnet.
  • If you click Edit Def in the Monitor Details dialog box, the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box appears.

  • Monitor Details - [Jobnet]
  • Monitor Details - [Remote Jobnet]
  • Execution Result Details
  • Define Details - [icon-name]
Detailed Information - Result#3
  • Displays the Monitor Details dialog box for checking the result of a jobnet.
  • Displays the Execution Result Details dialog box when you click the Details button in the Monitor Details dialog box if you have selected a remote jobnet.
  • If you click Edit Def in the Monitor Details dialog box, the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box appears.

  • Monitor Details - [Jobnet]
  • Monitor Details - [Remote Jobnet]
  • Execution Result Details
  • Define Details - [icon-name]
Detailed Information - Next Schedule#3
  • Displays the Monitor Details dialog box for checking the next execution schedule for a jobnet.
  • If you click Edit Def in the Monitor Details dialog box, the Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box appears.

  • Monitor Details - [Jobnet]
  • Define Details - [Jobnet]
List Filter Enables or disables the list filter function. --
Refresh Updates the units displayed in the list area and the detailed information area to the latest status. --
Options Preferences Configures JP1/AJS3 - View.
  • Preferences
  • Set Function Menu
  • Select Color
  • Create Color/Change Color
Display Item Setup Sets the items you display in the list area of the window. Display Item Setup
Set Default Values Specifies the default values of the values you specify in dialog boxes. Set Default Values
Set Refresh Interval Sets the interval at which the status of units that are displayed in the list area will be refreshed automatically. Refresh Interval
Save status - Save#7 Saves the status of the currently displayed window. --
Save status - Clear Saved Status Clears the saved window status. --
Common User Profile - Download Overwrites the user-common profile of connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager to the setup information of the user who logs in with JP1/AJS3 - View.
If the same JP1 user at the same host is activating JP1/AJS3 - View in another process, this command overwrites the JP1 setup information of the JP1 user downloaded last.
Common User Profile - Upload Overwrites the setup information of the user who currently logs in with JP1/AJS3 - View to the user-common profile of connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager.
Suppose that more than one JP1 user tries to overwrite the user-common profile of the same connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager at the same time. In this case, this command overwrites it with the user setup information of the JP1 user who uploaded last.
Save Full Unit Name#8 Saves, in the system clipboard, the full path name of the selected unit having a scheduler service name.

Save As Monitored Object#1, #9 Saves, in the system clipboard, the information used to define the monitor object, using JP1/AJS3 Console of the selected unit. --
Save as Jobnet Connector#10 Saves the selected root jobnet or planning group as the connection target of a jobnet connector.
After you click this menu item, in the Jobnet Editor window, click Edit and then Auto-create Jobnet Connector to automatically create a jobnet connector.
Save Csv Unit Data#1, #11 Saves the information selected in the list area or detailed information area in the system clipboard in CSV format. --
Set Tools
  • Lets you register a tool to be activated from View.
  • Lets you activate a registered tool on the View host.

  • Tool Settings
  • Tool Entry
Help Help Contents Launches the Web browser, and displays the contents of the online help. --
About JP1/AJS3 - View Displays the version number of JP1/AJS3 - View. About JP1/AJS3 - View

-- : Not displayed.

You can execute this menu command for multiple units.

You can customize the display of the Edit Annual Calendar window. For details about how to do so, see 11.6.2 Specifying the format of the calendar displayed first.

This menu command is valid only when a root jobnet is selected. The command results in an error if a unit other than a root jobnet is selected.

The menu command results in an error if a jobnet directly under a planning group is selected.

This menu command does not appear by default. For details about how to display the command, see 11.4.8 Adding Add and Changing Plan to the menu bar.

You can click this menu command only when the start mode is Compatible.

  • Dialog boxes, the Edit Monthly Calendar window, the Edit Annual Calendar window, and the Search window are not saved.
  • The column size in the list area in windows is not saved.
  • The selected level in the tree is saved in the JP1/AJS3 - View window, Jobnet Editor Window, and Jobnet Monitor window. However, information about whether items in other levels in the tree are expanded or collapsed is not saved.
  • The status of windows (whether they are minimized or maximized) is not saved.
  • The positions of windows (which window comes in the front or back) are not saved.

  • In the system clipboard, the last information saved is valid.
  • Windows XP enables switching of OS users. The full path name of the unit having the saved scheduler service name becomes valid only for the relevant OS user.

  • This menu command appears when the JP1/AJS3 Console View is set up.
  • When you click Edit and then Auto-create Monitored Objects in the JP1/AJS3 Console window, an AJS3 unit monitored object is created based on the information saved in the clipboard.
  • A maximum of 500 units can be saved.

You cannot automatically create a jobnet connector for a scheduler service that differs from the save source. For details about how to define a jobnet connector for a scheduler service that differs from the save source, see 5.2.4(1) Manually creating a jobnet connector.

A maximum of 1,000 lines of data can be copied to the clipboard at one time.

(2) Menu commands in the summary monitor window

The following table lists the menu commands in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window).

Table 15-7 Menu commands in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window)

Menu Menu command Description Dialog box displayed
File New Window Displays the JP1/AJS3 - View window in another window. The type of window to be displayed differs depending on the start mode.
  • When the start mode is Normal: Summary Monitor window
  • When the start mode is Monitoring: Summary Monitor window
  • When the start mode is Compatible: Window that was displayed at the previous logout (main or Summary Monitor window)
Close Closes the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window). --
Exit Logs out of JP1/AJS3 - Manager. --
Edit Jobnet Editor Displays the Jobnet Editor window when a jobnet or a remote jobnet is selected. --
Select All Selects all the units in the area containing a selected unit. --
Search Displays the Search window for the selected root jobnet if you have selected a root jobnet in the summary list or unit detailed information list. When you select a subordinate unit in the unit detailed information list, this menu command displays the Search window for the root jobnet that is above the selected unit. --
Operations Change Plan - Change Time#1, Changes the scheduled start date and time for the selected jobnet. Shift Schedule Date and Time
Change Plan - Execute Immediately#1 Advances and executes the next execution schedule of the jobnet registered for planned execution or the execution schedule of a jobnet registered for fixed execution. Immediate Execution
Change Plan - Execution Prohibited#1 Cancels the next execution schedule of the jobnet registered for planned execution or the execution schedule of a jobnet registered for fixed execution. --
Change Plan - Release Change#1 Cancels the date and time change or execution cancellation of the next execution schedule of a jobnet registered for planned execution, or the execution schedule of a jobnet registered for fixed execution. --
Change Hold Attribute- Hold#1 Sets the hold attribute of the selected unit. --
Change Hold Attribute- Hold-Release#1 Cancels the hold attribute of the selected unit. --
Interrupted#1 Interrupts the selected root jobnet. --
Kill#1 Forcibly terminates the selected root jobnet or job. --
Rerun#1 Re-executes the selected unit. Rerun
Suspension - Suspend#1 Puts a root jobnet into the suspended mode to make it possible to change the unit definition below the root jobnet being registered for execution. Execute Suspension
Suspension - Release Suspension#1 Cancels the suspended state of root jobnet. Release Suspension
View Main#2 Changes the current window to the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window). --
Daily Schedule - Hierarchy Displays the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window. --
Daily Schedule - All Jobs Displays the Daily Schedule [All Jobs] window. --
Monthly Schedule Displays the Monthly Schedule window. --
Jobnet Monitor Displays the Jobnet Monitor window. --
Unit Detailed Information List - Ended Abnormally#3 Displays information about abnormally ended units among the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
Unit Detailed Information List - Ended with Warning#3 Displays information about units ended with a warning among the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
Unit Detailed Information List - Delay#3 Displays information about delayed units among the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
Unit Detailed Information List - Being Held#3 Displays information about held units among the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
Unit Detailed Information List - Waiting to Start#3 Displays information about units waiting to start among the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
Unit Detailed Information List - Now Runnnig#3 Displays information about units being executed among the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
Unit Detailed Information List - Ended Normally#3 Displays information about successfully ended units among the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
Unit Detailed Information List - All#3 Displays information about all the units selected in the summary list and their subordinate units in the unit detailed information list. --
List Filter Enables or disables the list filter function. --
Refresh Updates the units displayed in the summary monitor window to the latest status. --
Options Preferences Configures JP1/AJS3 - View.
  • Preferences
  • Set Function Menu
  • Select Color
  • Create Color/Change Color
Set Default Values Specifies the default values of the values you specify in dialog boxes. Set Default Values
Set Refresh Interval Sets the interval at which the status of units that are displayed in the summary monitor window will be refreshed automatically. Refresh Interval
Save status - Save#4 Saves the status of the currently displayed window. --
Save status - Clear Saved Status Clears the saved window status. --
Common User Profile - Download Overwrites the user-common profile of connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager to the setup information of the user who logs in with JP1/AJS3 - View.
If the same JP1 user at the same host is activating JP1/AJS3 - View in another process, this command overwrites the JP1 setup information of the JP1 user downloaded last.
Common User Profile - Upload Overwrites the setup information of the user who currently logs in with JP1/AJS3 - View to the user-common profile of connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager.
Suppose that more than one JP1 user tries to overwrite the user-common profile of the same connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager at the same time. In this case, this command overwrites it with the user setup information of the JP1 user who uploaded last.
Save Full Unit Name#5 Saves, in the system clipboard, the full path name of the selected unit having a scheduler service name.

Save As Monitored Object#1, #6 Saves, in the system clipboard, the information used to define the monitor object, using JP1/AJS3 Console of the selected unit. --
Save Csv Unit Data#1 Saves the information selected in the summary list or unit detailed information list on the system clipboard in CSV format. --
Set Tool
  • Lets you register a tool to be activated from View.
  • Lets you activate a registered tool on the View host.

  • Tool Settings
  • Tool Entry
Help Help Contents Launches a Web browser, and displays the contents of its online Help. --
About JP1/AJS3 - View Displays the version number of JP1/AJS3 - View. About JP1/AJS3 - View

--: Not displayed.

You can execute this menu command for multiple units.

This menu command appears only when the start mode is Compatible.

  • When you select a planning group in the summary list, only the information about the subordinate units is displayed in the unit detailed information list.
  • When you select a root remote jobnet in the summary list, the information about the subordinate units is not displayed in the unit detailed information list.

  • Dialog boxes, the Edit Monthly Calendar window, the Edit Annual Calendar window, and the Search window are not saved.
  • The column size in the list area in windows is not saved.
  • The selected level in the tree is saved in the JP1/AJS3 - View window, Jobnet Editor window, and Jobnet Monitor window. However, information about whether items in other levels in the tree are expanded or collapsed is not saved.
  • The status of windows (whether they are minimized or maximized) is not saved.
  • The positions of windows (which window comes in the front or back) are not saved.

  • On the system clipboard, the last information saved is valid.
  • Windows XP enables switching of OS users. The full path name of the unit having the saved scheduler service name becomes valid only for the relevant OS user.

  • This menu command appears when JP1/AJS3 Console View is set up.
  • When you click Edit and then Auto-create Monitored Object in the JP1/AJS3 - Console window, an AJS3 unit monitored object is created based on the information saved in the clipboard.
  • A maximum of 500 units can be saved.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.