Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


5.2.4 Defining jobnet connectors

You can define a jobnet connector in a jobnet.

There are two methods to do so:

This subsection assumes that the jobnet where a jobnet connector will be located has already been created. See the following for how to define a jobnet connector.

Cautionary notes
  • A jobnet connector can be defined only under a root jobnet or a nested jobnet.
  • Only a root jobnet or a planning group can be specified as the connection-destination jobnet for a jobnet connector. Jobnet connectors cannot be connected to other unit types.
  • Do not define a jobnet connector under its connection-destination jobnet. If you do so, an error occurs when the connection-destination jobnet containing the jobnet connector are registered for execution.
  • Do not specify a start condition for the jobnet containing a jobnet connector or the connection-destination jobnet for the jobnet connector. If you do so, an error occurs when the connection-destination jobnet and the jobnet containing the jobnet connector are registered for execution.
  • If the versions of JP1/AJS2 - View and the connection-destination JP1/AJS2 - Manager are earlier than 08-50, you cannot connect a jobnet connector to a root jobnet or a planning group under a different scheduler service.
  • If the versions of JP1/AJS2 - View and the connection-destination JP1/AJS2 - Manager are 08-50, and a jobnet connector will control the execution order of root jobnets under different scheduler services, JP1/AJS2 - View and connection-target JP1/AJS2 - Manager must be set up.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Manually creating a jobnet connector
(2) Automatically creating a jobnet connector

(1) Manually creating a jobnet connector

To manually create a jobnet connector:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Jobnet Definition.
    Jobnet Definition is now selected.
  2. In the list area, click the jobnet that will manage the jobnet connector to be defined.
    The clicked jobnet is displayed in the selected mode.
  3. Choose Edit and then Edit. Or double - click the jobnet.
    The Jobnet Editor window is displayed.
  4. Select Exclusive edit.
  5. From the icon list, drag the jobnet connector icon into the map area.
    The Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box appears.
  6. Define the name of the connection-destination jobnet for the jobnet connector and other necessary items.
  7. Click the OK button.
    Depending on the option you choose in Connection range, the subsequent operation differs as described below when you click the OK button.

    If you click Same service in Connection range:
    When the OK button is clicked, the system checks whether the jobnet connector can be really connected to the specified connection-destination jobnet. For example, the system checks whether the connection-destination jobnet exists and whether the connection-destination jobnet is connected to another jobnet connector.

    If you click Other service in Connection range:
    The system does not check whether the jobnet connector can be really connected to the specified connection-destination jobnet. In this case, manually check whether the jobnet connector can be really connected to the specified connection-destination jobnet.
    If a confirmation message or an error message appears, follow the displayed instructions.
    If the system determines that the specified settings are acceptable, the Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box closes and the jobnet connector is created.
  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 as necessary.

When you manually create a jobnet connector, you need to define the name of the jobnet connector in the root jobnet (or planning group if the connection will be to a root jobnet immediately under a planning group) that is specified as the connection-destination jobnet.

(2) Automatically creating a jobnet connector

When a jobnet connector is automatically created, you do not need to enter a connection-destination jobnet name in Connect destination on the Definition page of the Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box and a jobnet connector name in Jobnet Connector on the Definition page of the Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box or Define Details - [Planning Group] dialog box.

Cautionary note
A jobnet connector can be created automatically only if its connection-destination root jobnet or planning group is under the same scheduler service. If you want to create a jobnet connector in a jobnet that is under a different scheduler service from the scheduler service containing the connection-destination jobnet or planning group, perform the procedure described in (1) Manually creating a jobnet connector.

To automatically create a jobnet connector:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Jobnet Definition.
    Jobnet Definition is now selected.
  2. In the list area, click the jobnet that will manage the jobnet connector to be defined.
    The clicked jobnet is displayed in the selected mode.
  3. Choose Edit and then Edit. Or double - click the jobnet.
    The Jobnet Editor window is displayed.
  4. Select Exclusive edit.
  5. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), in the tree area, click the connection-destination jobnet or planning group, and then choose Options and then Save as Jobnet Connector.

    Cautionary notes
    • Select only one root jobnet or planning group as the connection destination. If you select multiple root jobnets or planning groups, you cannot choose Options and then Save as Jobnet Connector.
    • If you select a root jobnet under a planning group, you cannot choose Options and then Save as Jobnet Connector.
  6. In the Jobnet Editor window, choose Edit and then Auto-create Jobnet Connector.
    In the Jobnet Editor window, a jobnet connector is created in the map area. The name of the jobnet connector is the same as the name of the root jobnet you selected in step 5.

    Cautionary notes
    • A jobnet connector cannot be connected automatically if the status of its connection destination (root jobnet, root jobnet under a planning group, or planning group) is any of the following:
      - The target has been registered for execution.#
      - The target contains a jobnet connector.
      - The target is defined with Other service specified in Connection range on the Definition page of the Define Details dialog box.
      - The target has already been specified with another jobnet connector.
      #: Except for planning groups.
    • A jobnet connector cannot be connected automatically if its connection-destination root jobnet is a release-target jobnet. Also, a jobnet connector cannot be created automatically if the root jobnet in which you create the jobnet connector is a release-target jobnet.
    • A jobnet connector cannot be created automatically if there is no operate permission for the connection-destination unit.
  7. Double-click the jobnet connector icon created in the map area.
    The Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box appears.
    Connect destination displays the full name of the root jobnet or planning group you selected in step 5.
  8. Change the definitions of the jobnet connector as necessary.
    Change the definitions as necessary.

    Cautionary note
    For automatic creation of a jobnet connector, information about the unit selected in step 5 and about the jobnet connector is set in the text boxes related to execution order control. If you change the unit name or other information about the jobnet connector, the new information creates inconsistencies with the information set for the connection-destination unit for the jobnet connector. If you change the definitions of an automatically created jobnet connector, check the definitions of the connection-destination unit and make any required changes.
  9. Click the OK button.
    The Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box closes.
    The jobnet connector is defined in the jobnet.
  10. Repeat steps 5 to 9 as necessary.

Supplementary notes
  • If you want to connect a jobnet connector to a root jobnet immediately under a planning group, you need to specify the name of the jobnet connector for the planning group.
  • When you double-click a jobnet connector in the list area of the Jobnet Editor window, the Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box appears by default. If you want to change the operation that is performed when you double-click a jobnet connector in the list area, use the Editor/Monitor page of the Preferences dialog box. For details about how to change the operation, see 11.5.9 Changing the operation performed when a unit in the list area is double-clicked.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.