Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide
- (A)
- abbreviations defined
- abnormal end
- abnormal threshold
- action job
- adding
- agent host and queue
- agent host
- agents
- adding, deleting, or adding execution agents
- AJS3 unit monitored object
- ajsbackup command
- backup using
- example of backup
- location for storing backed up information
- ajsdefine command
- restoration procedure
- restoration using
- ajsembdbreclaim command
- executing automatically
- ajsprint command
- backup procedure
- backup using
- ajsrestore command
- example of restoration
- restoration using
- ajsrgexport command
- backup using
- ajsrgimport command
- restoration using
- Applied release status
- applying unit definition information changed during registration for execution
- attributes
- of JP1 events
- (B)
- backing up
- files used in JP1/AJS3
- JP1/AJS3 - Agent setup information
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information
- JP1/AJS3 - View environment settings files
- JP1/AJS3 - View setup information
- JP1/Base setup information
- other information
- overview
- precautions
- setup information for system that uses JP1/AJS3
- unit definition
- using the ajsbackup command
- using the ajsprint command
- using the ajsrgexport command
- backup box
- backup box
- backup file
- backup file
- backup information directory
- backup information management file
- base day
- base time
- Being applied release status
- (C)
- calendar information
- changing
- agent host and queue
- behavior at JP1/AJS3 startup or termination
- name of host running JP1/AJS3
- settings
- settings during operation
- unit definition information during registration for execution
- checking
- database usage
- output log information
- closed day
- cluster system
- cluster systems
- cautionary notes
- example when using JP1/AJS3 Console
- in UNIX
- JP1/AJS3 prerequisites and scope
- monitoring JP1/AJS3 processes
- overview
- system configurations supported by JP1/AJS3
- cold start
- common user profile
- conventions
- abbreviations
- diagrams
- fonts and symbols
- KB, MB, GB, and TB
- mathematical expressions
- meaning of folder and directory
- meaning of member of Administrators group
- version numbers
- correlation ID
- custom job
- (D)
- Daily Schedule window
- database
- estimating maintenance time
- maintenance using ajsembdbreclaim
- reorganizing
- reorganizing when using QUEUE and submit jobs
- database administrator
- date
- changing system date and time
- daylight saving time
- using JP1/AJS3
- default queue
- defaults
- installation folders of JP1/AJS3 for Windows
- Delete wait release status
- deleting
- agent host and queue
- dependent job
- dependent jobnet
- diagram conventions
- directory
- term defined
- disconnecting and connecting
- default queue or queue
- Dr. Watson
- changing settings
- (E)
- embedded database
- administrator, glossary definition
- glossary definition
- operation commands, glossary definition
- service, glossary definition
- system administrator, glossary definition
- end with warning
- environment setting parameters
- glossary definition
- environment settings file
- errors
- action for error in JP1/AJS3 process
- event
- event job
- event jobs
- continuing execution when JP1/AJS3 service stops
- execution agent
- execution agent group
- execution agents
- adding, deleting, or changing
- defining at same time
- execution ID
- execution-locked resource
- execution results
- methods for checking
- execution results of jobnets
- checking
- (F)
- files to back up
- when using custom jobs
- files to back up (in UNIX)
- JP1/AJS3 - Agent
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager
- JP1/AJS3 Console
- files to back up (in Windows)
- JP1/AJS3 - Agent
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager
- JP1/AJS3 Console
- files to be recovered
- JP1/AJS3 - View
- fixed execution registration
- fixed schedule
- folder
- term defined
- folders to back up
- JP1/AJS3 - View
- when icon images have been created
- folders to be recovered
- JP1/AJS3 - View
- font conventions
- (G)
- GB meaning
- glossary
- (H)
- host
- adding, deleting, changing agent host
- changing name of host running JP1/AJS3
- host name
- notes on changing
- hot start
- term defined
- (I)
- immediate execution registration
- installation folders
- default for JP1/AJS3 for Windows
- IP address
- changing
- compatible ISAM configuration, glossary definition
- database, glossary definition
- (J)
- jajs_killall.cluster
- job
- job execution environment
- job group
- job network element
- jobnet
- backing up
- overview of backing up and restoring
- restoring
- stopping when monitoring start conditions
- jobnet and job statuses for each start mode
- jobnet connector
- Jobnet Editor window
- Jobnet Monitor window
- jobnet release function
- jobnets
- glossary definition
- JP1 event
- issuing when JP1/AJS3 process starts, stops, or terminates abnormally
- JP1 event when JP/AJS3 process has started, stopped, or abnormally terminated
- issuing
- JP1 events
- attributes
- issued by JP1/AJS3
- list of
- JP1 permission level
- JP1 resource group
- JP1 user
- JP1/AJS2 for Oracle E-Business Suite
- JP1/AJS3
- changing host name
- example of operation
- JP1 events issued
- killing in UNIX cluster system
- monitoring in cluster system
- starting and stopping services
- supported cluster system configurations
- temporarily changing end mode
- temporarily changing start mode
- JP1/AJS3 - Agent
- error causing node switching
- files to back up (UNIX)
- files to back up (Windows)
- JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant
- JP1/AJS3 - View
- location for storing backed up information
- JP1/AJS3 Console Agent
- JP1/AJS3 Console Manager
- JP1/AJS3 Console setup information
- recovering and setting up
- JP1/AJS3 Console View
- JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications
- JP1/AJS3 process
- restarting when abnormally terminated
- JP1/AJS3 start modes and statuses of jobs
- JP1/Base
- JP1/IM
- JP1/OJE for Midrange Computer
- JP1/OJE for VOS3
- JP1/Script
- JP1/Software Distribution
- jp1ajs_param.conf file format
- jpqautocond script
- judgment job
- judgment value
- (K)
- KB meaning
- kill
- (L)
- list file
- local
- define local date and time for scheduler service
- log file
- logical host
- environment prerequisites
- using in non-cluster system
- logs
- swapping scheduler log file
- (M)
- macro variable
- mail filtering application
- mail receipt parameter file
- mail send parameter file
- manager host
- manager job group
- manager jobnet
- mathematical expression conventions
- max. shiftable days
- maximum number of concurrently executable jobs
- MB meaning
- member of the Administrators group
- term defined
- message ID
- method to detect failures and take appropriate actions
- methods for monitoring execution time and delays
- monitoring
- execution time of jobnets
- normal operation
- monitoring capacities
- Monthly Schedule window
- (N)
- nested jobnet
- NNM linkage
- supported products
- node switching
- caused by error in JP1/AJS3 Agent
- flow of processing after
- system
- when error occurs
- node switching system
- non-cluster environment
- logical host setup
- logical host use
- using logical host
- normal end
- (O)
- online manual
- contents
- open day
- operation
- example
- operation tasks performed during operation
- operation using JP1/AJS3
- overview
- (P)
- physical host
- physical host environment
- prerequisites
- planned execution registration
- planning group
- preceding job
- preceding jobnet
- prerequisites
- for a logical host environment
- for a physical host environment
- for JP1/AJS3 cluster systems
- primary node
- procedure for changing host name of JP1/AJS3 - Agent
- procedure for changing host name of JP1/AJS3 - Manager
- processing cycle
- (Q)
- queue
- adding, deleting, and changing
- connecting and disconnecting
- QUEUE jobs
- modifying execution environment
- queueless job
- queueless job execution environment
- queuing job
- (R)
- recovering
- icon image files and background image files for JP1/AJS3 Console View
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information
- JP1/Base setup information
- other information
- P1/AJS3 - View setup information
- setup information of calendars
- unit definition
- recovering
- custom job icons
- JP1/AJS3 - Agent setup information
- recovery
- overview
- recovery job
- recovery jobnet
- regular expressions available in JP1/AJS3
- Release entry wait release status
- Release wait release status
- release-source jobnet
- reorganization script
- customizing
- reorganizing
- database by using jajs_maintain
- database by using jpqautocond
- database when using QUEUE and submit jobs
- JP1/AJS3 database
- resources
- changing execution-locked resources
- restarting abnormally terminated JP1/AJS3 process
- restoration
- precautions
- setup information for system that uses JP1/AJS3
- using the ajsdefine command
- using the ajsrestore command
- using the ajsrgimport command
- resubmitting
- jobs at JP1/AJS3 service startup
- revisions
- 07-00
- 07-50
- 08-00
- 09-00
- (S)
- schedule by days from start
- schedule information file
- schedule rule
- scheduler service
- defining local date and time
- restricting how to stop
- starting
- stopping
- swapping log file
- scheduling at transition
- from daylight saving time to standard time
- from standard time to daylight saving time
- scope supported by JP1/AJS3
- scope supported by JP1/AJS3
- script for forcibly stopping JP1/AJS3
- secondary node
- services
- continuing execution of event jobs if JP1/AJS3 service stops
- resubmitting jobs at JP1/AJS3 service startup
- starting and stopping JP1/AJS3 services
- starting and stopping scheduler service only
- settings
- changing during operation
- setup information for system that uses JP1/AJS3
- backing up
- restoring
- shift days
- shutdown status
- standard configuration
- start condition
- starting
- changing behavior at JP1/AJS3 startup
- scheduler service only
- Startup Parameter
- statuses of jobnets and jobs
- when cold-start is performed
- when event reset occurs
- when hot-start is performed
- when start mode is not specified
- when warm-start is performed
- stopping
- jobnet monitoring start conditions
- scheduler service only
- subject
- submit
- submitted job
- substitute schedule
- succeeding job
- succeeding jobnet
- suppressing executing jobnets and jobs
- suppressing executing jobnets and jobs at start of the scheduler service
- suppressing executing jobnets and jobs that are already running
- suppressing executing jobs
- suspend
- switching
- between standard time and daylight saving time
- from daylight saving time to standard time
- from standard time to daylight saving time
- switching scheduler log file
- symbol conventions
- syntax conventions
- (T)
- task for backing up setup information
- JP1/AJS3 - Agent
- tasks for backing up information
- necessary for running JP1
- tasks for backing up setup information
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager
- JP1/AJS3 - View
- tasks for recovering information
- necessary for running JP1
- tasks for recovering setup information
- JP1/AJS3 - Agent
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager
- JP1/AJS3 - View
- tasks performed during operation
- sections that explain the tasks
- TB meaning
- terminating
- changing behavior at JP1/AJS3 termination
- threshold
- time
- changing system date and time
- defining local date and time for scheduler service
- using JP1/AJS3 with daylight saving time
- timeout period
- TP1/Server Base
- (U)
- unit
- unit definition
- backing up
- recovering
- unit definition information
- changing during registration for execution
- unit definition information for which changes will be applied
- unit definition parameter file
- unit ID
- backing up info. to run JP1
- cautionary notes on cluster systems
- changing the start mode of JP1/AJS3
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager files to back up
- JP1/AJS3 Console files to back up
- starting JP1/AJS3 services manually
- stopping JP1/AJ3 services manually
- utility for cluster systems
- (V)
- version number conventions
- version revisions
- (W)
- warm start
- warning threshold
- when latest definition information is reloaded
- Windows
- backing up info to run JP1
- cautionary notes for cluster systems
- changing the start mode of JP1/AJS3
- JP1/AJS3 - Manager files to back up
- JP1/AJS3 Console files to back up
- starting JP1/AJS3 services manually
- stopping JP1/AJS3 services manually
- Windows Messaging
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.