Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide


8.9.1 Changing the name of the host that runs JP1/AJS3

This subsection describes how to change the name of the host that runs JP1/AJS3, for both JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Notes on changing the host name
(2) Procedure for changing the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Manager
(3) Procedure for changing the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Agent

(1) Notes on changing the host name

(2) Procedure for changing the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Manager

Before you change the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Manager, you need to do the following:

  • When you use a remote jobnet, before changing the host name, cancel the execution registration of the remote jobnet.
  • When you execute the event job, stop all programs of JP1/AJS3 of the agent host that executes the event job.

To change the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Manager:

  1. Log off JP1/AJS3 - View.
  2. Use the ajsprint command to back up the jobnet definition.
    You will use the backup you create here in step 12.
    For details about the backup method, see 2.2.2(4) Backing up the unit definition.
  3. Use the ajsagtprint command to back up the execution agent definition.
    The backup created here will be used in step 13. For details about how to create the backup, see 2.2.2(2) Backing up the execution agent information.
  4. Stop the JP1/AJS3 services of the manager host.
  5. When QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs are used, use the jpqexport command to back up the execution environment definition for QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs.
    The backup created here will be used in step 7. For details about how to create the backup, see 2.2.2(3) Backing up the execution environment definition for QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs.
  6. Change the physical host name of the manager host, or the logical host name.
    Change the host name of the manager host. Change the host name if the host is a physical host.
    If you are running JP1/AJS3 in a cluster system, and you change a logical host name, delete the old logical host name and then set up the new logical host name for use in the cluster system.

    In Windows:
    For details about deleting logical host names, see 8.2.6 Deleting logical hosts in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1.
    For details about setting up a logical host to run in a cluster system, see 8. Setup for Operation in a Cluster System in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1.

    In UNIX:
    For details about deleting logical host names, see 16.2.6 Deleting logical hosts in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1.
    For details about setting up a logical host to run in a cluster system, see 16. Setup for Operation in a Cluster System in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1.
  7. When QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs are used, use the jpqimport command to re-create the execution environment for the QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs.
    For details about how to re-create the execution environment for the QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs, see 2.3.3(5) Creating an execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs.
    For a logical host, this step is unnecessary because the execution environment has already been re-created in step 6.
  8. Set up the database environment.
    For details about the procedure for performing setup again, see steps 3 to 7 in C.2(7) Setting up an embedded database again in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1.
  9. When you use the host whose name is to be changed as the authorization server (a function of JP1/Base) as well, change the user mapping setting.

    In Windows:
    In the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box, choose the User Mapping tab, and then change the host name defined in Server host of JP1 user to the changed name.

    In UNIX:
    Change the host name defined in the user mapping definition file (jp1BsUmap.conf) to the changed name. Then execute the jbsmkumap command.
    For details on user mapping, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.
    If you are using an event job, proceed to step 10. If not, proceed to step 11.
  10. If you are using an event job, execute the jpoagoec command on the agent host and manager host (including the local host) that execute the event job, and start the agent host by a cold start.
    Execute the jpoagoec command on all the hosts that receive requests from the manager whose name is to be changed and that execute the event job. The procedure for executing the command is described below. An example procedure for when ManagerHostB is to be changed to ManagerHostC follows:
    To execute the command:
    • Execute the jpoagoec -p command to check the name of the manager host that the event action agent function currently stores.
      Display example:
    • Execute the jpoagoec -d ManagerHostB command to delete the pre-changed manager host name.
    • Execute the jpoagoec -a ManagerHostC command to add the changed manager host name.
    • Execute the jpoagoec -p command to check that a manager host name is added.
      Display example:
    • Start the agent host by a cold start.
      In Windows:
      In the Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools.
      In the displayed Administrative Tool dialog box, double-click the Services icon.
      Select the service name of JP1/AJS3 to be started, and then select Operations and Properties.
      In the General tab in the service-name Properties dialog box, specify -cold as the start mode for Start Parameters.
      Then click the Start button.
      In UNIX:
      Execute the jajs_spmd -cold command.
  11. Start the manager host by a cold start.
    Perform a cold start of the physical host or logical host whose host name you changed.
  12. Use the ajsdefine command to recover the jobnet definition you backed up in step 2.
    For details about the recovery method, see 2.3.3(8) Recovering the unit definition.
  13. Use the ajsagtadd command to recover the execution agent definition you backed up in step 3.
    For details about the recovery method, see 2.3.3(7) Recovering the execution agent information.
  14. On the manager host, re-register for execution the jobnets required for operation.
    Since the manager host is started by a cold start in step 11, the execution registration of jobnets is all cancelled. Execute and register again the jobnets required for operation.
  15. If you are using JP1/AJS3 Console on the manager host, restart the following services:
    • JP1/AJS3 Console Manager service
    • JP1/AJS3 Console Agent service
  16. The host is used as the NNM monitoring host when HP NNM is linked.
    To change the host name, you must change the transfer destination of the SNMP trap on the Windows host on which the monitored JP1/AJS3 has been installed. For details on how to change the transfer destination of a SNMP trap, see A.2(3) Setting up SNMP trap destinations in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide. If JP1/AJS3 is installed on a UNIX host, it is not necessary to set the transfer destination of a SNMP trap.

(3) Procedure for changing the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Agent

To change the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Agent, use the command to be used for execution agent operation. When QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs are used, also perform step 4.

To change the host name of JP1/AJS3 - Agent:

  1. End the jobnets registered for execution on the agent host whose name is to be changed, and cancel their registration.
  2. Stop the JP1/AJS3 services on the agent host whose name is to be changed.
  3. Execute the ajsagtalt command on the manager host to change the host name in the execution agent information that contains the definition of the agent host whose name is to be changed.
    For details about the ajsagtalt command, see ajsagtalt in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.
  4. When QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs are used, execute the jpqagtdel command on the manager host to delete the old agent host. Then execute the jpqagtadd command on the manager host to add the new agent host.
    For details about the jpqagtdel command, see jpqagtdel in 3. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
    As soon as you add the agent host, the entrance of the default queue created when the agent was added is closed. Change the attributes of the default queue as required.
    For details about the jpqagtadd command and how to change the default queue attributes, see jpqagtadd in 3. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.
  5. Change the agent host name, and cold-start the JP1/AJS3 services on the agent host.

    Cautionary note
    Confirm that communication is possible between the new agent host and the manager host.
  6. Re-register the jobnets and resume operation.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.