Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide
If the JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host or on the manager host stops, the status of jobs in Now running status changes to Ended abnormally, and the jobnet is interrupted. For event jobs, however, you can use the option to continue execution of active event jobs to continue their operation. This option inherits the Now running status of an event job when the service stops so that the execution of the event job can continue after the service is restarted.
If a failover occurs because power fails or a process is forcibly terminated, the Now running status of event jobs that exists when the service stops is always inherited even if this option is not used.
For details about how to specify the setting for using the option to continue execution of active event jobs, see 6.3.6 Resuming event jobs that stopped when the JP1/AJS3 service stopped in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1 (in Windows) or 14.3.6 Resuming event jobs that stopped when the JP1/AJS3 service stopped in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1 (in UNIX).
This subsection describes operation when the option to continue execution of active event jobs is used and when it is not used.
- Organization of this subsection
- (1) For a manager and agent system configuration
- (2) For a standalone configuration
- (3) Cautionary notes
- (4) Supplementary notes
(1) For a manager and agent system configuration
The following example shows operation when the option to continue execution of active event jobs is used, and when it is not used. This example assumes that the JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host is not running from 12:00 to 12:30 due to maintenance of the agent host in a manager and agent system configuration. This example also assumes that the jobnet is scheduled to start at 8:00 and end at 17:00.
Figure 9-1 Operation when the option to continue execution of active event jobs is used, and when it is not used
If the JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host stops when the option to continue execution of active event jobs is not enabled, the manager host is notified that the agent has stopped. In this case, the status of the event job that was in Now running status when the service stopped changes to Ended abnormally status, and then the jobnet terminates.
However, if the JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host stops when the option to continue execution of active event jobs is enabled, the Now running status of the event job does not change. When the service is restarted, the Now running status is inherited and the execution of the event job resumes. Note that, as shown in the following figure, JP1/AJS3 cannot detect any events that occur from when the JP1/AJS3 service is stopped until all the following are performed: a failover is performed, the service is started, and event monitoring is started.
Figure 9-2 Time period during which events can be detected
(2) For a standalone configuration
When the option to continue execution of active event jobs is used in a standalone configuration, it works the same way as in a manager and agent system configuration. In particular, when the service stops, the Now running status of the event job does not change and will be inherited when the service is restarted. In this case, however, you need to restart the service in hot-start mode (specify hot in the STARTMODE environment setting parameter). For details about the service start modes, see 2.2 Setting up the scheduler service environment in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2 or 7.2.1 Temporarily changing the start mode of JP1/AJS3.
(3) Cautionary notes
- You cannot use the option to continue execution of active event jobs in a version of JP1/AJS2 - Manager earlier than 08-50.
- You cannot use the option to continue execution of active event jobs in JP1/AJS2 - Agent 06-00-/D or earlier.
- Set the option to continue execution of active event jobs for each manager on physical and logical hosts.
- If the option to continue execution of active event jobs is used under the following two conditions, the manager host cannot be stopped as scheduled because the jobs remain in Now running status on the manager:
- A manager and agent system configuration in which JP1/AJS3 waits for all running jobs to be ended by the jajs_spmd_stop command (with -job specified) or the power control job (planned termination) is being used.
- The manager host stops.
- If you restart JP1/AJS3 on the agent host while event jobs are running, the manager sends an event monitoring request to the agent to automatically continue event monitoring. If many event jobs are running, note that some time might be required until the agent is ready to detect events.
- If the option that continues the execution of event jobs is used to continue the execution of file monitoring jobs, the status of a monitored file is not inherited even when the status passing option for inheriting file monitoring job statuses is enabled. As a result, no events can be detected from the time an agent is stopped on which a file monitoring job is running until the agent is restarted and event monitoring is resumed. For details about the status passing option for inheriting file monitoring job statuses, see 7.6.2 Notes on the Monitoring Files job in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.
(4) Supplementary notes
- For an event job for which the timeout period is set, any counting for the timeout period is cleared when the service stops. Counting for the timeout period starts from 0 the moment the service is restarted.
- For an execution interval control job, the waiting time already counted is cleared when the service stops. Counting starts from 0 the moment the service is restarted.
- If Find event before exec. is enabled for a JP1 event reception monitoring job and monitored JP1 events are received between the time the service is stopped and the time it is restarted, events are assumed to have been detected after the service was restarted. This applies to only when the service is restarted within the time period specified for the event detection time.
- If a file is created in the interval between stopping and restarting the service when Establish for existing files is specified for a file monitoring job that monitors the creation of files, the monitoring condition is satisfied after the restart.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.