Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide


2.3 Restoring the setup information for a system that uses JP1/AJS3

This section describes how to recover the setup information for a system that uses JP1/AJS3.

Recovery procedures are classified and described as JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3 - Manager, JP1/AJS3 - Agent, and JP1/AJS3 - View procedures. Combine the procedures according to the products that are used. When you recover the backup information for JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/ AJS3 - Agent, you must first recover JP1/Base.

Recovery procedures are described both for a physical host environment and a logical host environment (for a cluster system). Recover both environments. For example, if there is a physical host environment and a logical host environment, first recover the backup information of the physical host environment, and then recover the backup information of the logical host environment.

Cautionary note
Use the procedure described below to recover the setup information when JP1/AJS3 is not running.
A member of the Administrators group of the OS (in Windows) or a user with superuser permissions (in UNIX) must perform recovery.
Note that the information backed up by using the procedures in 2.2 Backing up the setup information for a system that uses JP1/AJS3 can also be restored to a different host. In this case, however, make sure that the configuration in the backup information matches that on the host to which it will be restored. If the configurations are different, alter the backup information as necessary.
Organization of this section
2.3.1 Installing and setting up JP1/Base and JP1/AJS3
2.3.2 Recovering the JP1/Base setup information
2.3.3 Recovering the JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information
2.3.4 Recovering the JP1/AJS3 - Agent setup information
2.3.5 Recovering the JP1/AJS3 - View setup information
2.3.6 Recovering other information



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.