Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide


10.2.1 Executing the ajsembdbreclaim command

This subsection describes how to use the ajsembdbreclaim command for maintenance.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Executing the ajsembdbreclaim command automatically
(2) Executing the ajsembdbreclaim command manually

(1) Executing the ajsembdbreclaim command automatically

By defining the ajsembdbreclaim command as a JP1/AJS3 job, you can execute the ajsembdbreclaim command automatically according to a schedule. We recommend that you set a schedule to execute the ajsembdbreclaim command as a job once a day.

The following shows an operation example for executing the ajsembdbreclaim command automatically.

(a) Definition method

The following shows an example definition that executes the ajsembdbreclaim command at 23:00 on the fifth open day of every week.

  1. Create a unit definition file with the following contents.

    In Windows:
    unit= ajsembdbreclaim-netwin,,jp1admin,;
        unit= ajsembdbreclaim-jobwin;
            sc="C:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\tools\ajsembdbreclaim";
            prm="-m manager";

    In UNIX:
    unit= ajsembdbreclaim-netunix,,jp1admin,;
        unit= ajsembdbreclaim-jobunix;
            prm="-m manager";
  2. Execute the following command to define the unit:
    ajsdefine unit-definition-file-name
    The following is an example command for creating a unit definition file named ajsembdbreclaim.txt:
    ajsdefine ajsembdbreclaim.txt
  3. Execute the following command to register the unit for planned execution:
    ajsentry -s unit-name
    The following is an example command:
    ajsentry -s /ajsembdbreclaim-netwin
    Empty pages will be automatically reclaimed according to the defined schedule.
    Note that you can also use JP1/AJS3 - View to register the unit for planned execution.

(2) Executing the ajsembdbreclaim command manually

The following describes how to execute the ajsembdbreclaim command manually. For details about the ajsembdbreclaim command, see ajsembdbreclaim in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

Note that if you execute the ajsembdbreclaim command while the embedded database is online, the database server waits for transactions to complete before the ajsembdbreclaim command is executed. For this reason, avoid using the command during peak usage times.

For Windows hosts:

For UNIX hosts:

Command examples
  • To run the command for all the scheduler services on the manager (JP1/AJS3 - Manager), enter the following command:
    ajsembdbreclaim -m manager
  • To run the command for the scheduler service, enter the following command:
    ajsembdbreclaim -m scheduler -F AJSROOT1



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.