Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide


8.2 Suppressing executing jobnets and jobs

You can suppress execution of jobnets and jobs that are scheduled for execution. This suppression applies to a particular scheduler service. During suppression, new jobnets and jobs are not started. The jobnets and jobs that satisfy start conditions are placed in a wait status until suppression ends. Operations on jobnets and jobs are not accepted during the suppression.

You can suppress executing jobnets and jobs for a particular scheduler service. You can also suppress executing jobnets and jobs that are already running.

Organization of this section
8.2.1 Suppressing executing jobnets and jobs at start of the scheduler service
8.2.2 Suppressing executing jobnets and jobs that are already running



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.