Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide


8. Changing the Settings During Operation

This chapter describes how to change the environment and settings during operation of JP1/AJS3. To efficiently operate a JP1/AJS3 system, you may need to change the JP1/AJS3 job execution environment and settings during operation.

Organization of this chapter
8.1 Key points about changing settings
8.2 Suppressing executing jobnets and jobs
8.3 Switching a jobnet definition while the jobnet is registered for execution
8.4 Changing the unit definition information during registration for execution
8.5 Starting and stopping only the scheduler service
8.6 Defining a local date and time for the scheduler service
8.7 Swapping a scheduler log file
8.8 Modifying execution agent information
8.9 Changing the JP1/AJS3 host settings
8.10 Modifying the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submitted jobs



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.