Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.4 Jobnet Editor window

The Jobnet Editor window defines a jobnet.

To display the Jobnet Editor window, use either of the following procedures:

This section describes the configuration of the Jobnet Editor window, menu commands, transitions of the window, and dialog boxes to be displayed.

Organization of this section
15.4.1 Configuration of the window
15.4.2 Menu commands
15.4.3 Windows and dialog boxes displayed from the Jobnet Editor window
15.4.4 Map Size dialog box
15.4.5 Define Details - [Start Condition] dialog box
15.4.6 Define Details - [UNIX Job] dialog box
15.4.7 Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box
15.4.8 Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box
15.4.9 Define Details - [Jobnet Connector] dialog box
15.4.10 Define Details - [OR Job] dialog box
15.4.11 Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box
15.4.12 Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event] dialog box
15.4.13 Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event] - [Details] dialog box
15.4.14 Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event] - [Extended Attribute] dialog box
15.4.15 Detailed Definition - [event-job-icon-name] - [Passing Information] dialog box
15.4.16 Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Files] dialog box
15.4.17 Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] dialog box
15.4.18 Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] - [Option after Receive] dialog box
15.4.19 Detailed Definition - [Receive MQ Message] dialog box (compatible with version 7)
15.4.20 Detailed Definition - [Receive MSMQ Message] dialog box (compatible with version 7)
15.4.21 Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] dialog box
15.4.22 Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Edit] dialog box
15.4.23 Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Log File Behavior] dialog box
15.4.24 Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Event Log] dialog box
15.4.25 Detailed Definition - [Interval Control] dialog box
15.4.26 Detailed Definition - [Send JP1 Event] dialog box
15.4.27 Detailed Definition - [Send Mail] dialog box
15.4.28 Detailed Definition - [Send Mail] - [Attached File] dialog box
15.4.29 Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message] dialog box (compatible with version 7)
15.4.30 Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message] - [Detailed Setting] dialog box
15.4.31 Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message] dialog box (compatible with version 7)
15.4.32 Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message] - [Message Body] dialog box
15.4.33 Detailed Definition - [OpenView Status Report] dialog box
15.4.34 Detailed Definition - [Local Power Control] dialog box
15.4.35 Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box
15.4.36 Define Details - [Custom Job] dialog box
15.4.37 Zoom dialog box
15.4.38 Wall Paper dialog box



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.