Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.4.2 Menu commands

Table 15-27 lists the menu commands supported in the Jobnet Editor window. Table 15-28 covers the dialog boxes displayed when you drag an icon from the icon list.

Table 15-27 Menu commands supported in the Jobnet Editor window

Menu Menu command Description Dialog box displayed
File Backup Specifies how to back up a unit. Backup
Restore Specifies how to restore a unit. Restore
New Window Displays the Jobnet Editor window in a new window. --
Close Closes the Jobnet Editor window. --
Edit Edit Mode - Basic Selects an icon in the map area. --
Edit Mode - Make Relation Associates icons. --
Edit Mode - Make Consecutive Relations Associates icons repeatedly. --
Edit Mode - Make Conditional Relations Sets a conditional relation between judgment and subordinate jobs. --
Edit Mode - Break Relation Dissociates execution orders and conditional relations. --
Cut Copies an icon selected in the map area. If you paste the icon, the original icon is deleted. --
Copy Copies an icon selected in the map area. --
Paste Pastes a cut or copied icon onto the map area. --
Paste (Extension) Pastes a cut or copied icon, the coordinate location of the icon, and the relation with other icons onto the map area. --
Delete Deletes an icon selected in the map area. --
Select All Selects all the units in the area containing a selected unit. --
Auto-create Jobnet Connector#1 Generates, in the map area, the jobnet connector to be connected to the root jobnet (connection-destination jobnet) or planning group (connection-destination planning group) saved in the JP1/AJS3 - View window. --
Search Displays the Search window for a unit defined in the hierarchy shown in the map area. --
Map Size Resizes the map area. Map Size
Define Start Condition Defines start conditions for the root jobnet. Define Details - [Start Condition]
Cancel Start Condition Deletes start conditions set for a root jobnet. --
  • Edits a jobnet schedule.
  • With a single jobnet selected, displays the Schedule Settings dialog box.
  • Displays the Schedule Rule dialog box if you click Add, Edit or Copy button in the Schedule Settings dialog box.

  • Schedule Settings
  • Schedule Rule
Properties Displays and edits unit definitions. The dialog box name varies with a selected unit. Define Details - [iconname]
View Open Jobnet Displays the elements under a jobnet selected in the map area. --
Upper Jobnet Displays the upper level jobnet of the jobnet appearing in the map area. --
Highlighted Display - Only Preceding Highlights only directly or indirectly preceding units of basic units. --
Highlighted Display - Only Succeeding Highlights only directly or indirectly succeeding units of basic units. --
Highlighted Display - Preceding and Succeeding Highlights only directly or indirectly preceding or succeeding units of basic units. --
Highlighted Display - Release Cancels highlighting. --
Zoom Zooms in or out of the map area. Zoom
Toolbar Switches the icon list and the edit mode selection button between display and non-display. --
List Area - Minimum Minimizes the list area. --
List Area - Restore Restores the list area to the original size when it was minimized. --
List Filter Enables or disables the list filter function. --
Refresh Refreshes information in the tree and map areas. --
Options Preferences Configures JP1/AJS3 - View.
  • Preferences
  • Set Function Menu
  • Select Color
  • Create Color/Change Color
Set Wall Paper Sets an image file as the wallpaper of the map area for individual units. Wall Paper
Save Full Unit Name Saves, in the system clipboard, the full path name of the selected unit having a scheduler service name.
(Example) AJSROOT1:/GROUP1/net1
Save Csv Unit Data#2 Saves the information selected in the list area on the system clipboard in CSV format. --
Set Tools
  • Lets you register a tool to be activated from View.
  • Lets you activate a registered tool on the View host.

  • Tool Settings
  • Tool Entry
Help Help Contents The Web browser starts, displaying the contents of the online help. --
About JP1/AJS3 - View Displays the version number of JP1/AJS3 - View. --

-- : Not displayed

You cannot automatically create a jobnet connector for a scheduler service that differs from the save source. If you want to define a jobnet connector for a different scheduler service, define it manually.

A maximum of 1,000 lines of data can be copied to the clipboard at one time.

Table 15-28 Dialog boxes displayed when you drag an icon

Tab Icon name Dialog box displayed
Basic Unix Job Define Details - [UNIX Job]
PC Job Define Details - [PC Job]
Queue Job Define Details - [Queue Job]
Jobnet Define Details - [Jobnet]
Remote-Jobnet Define Details - [Remote Jobnet]
Jobnet Connector Define Details - [Jobnet Connector]
OR-Job Define Details - [OR job]
Judgment-Job Define Details - [Judgment Job]
Events Receive JP1 Event Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event]
Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event] - [Details]
Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event] - [Extended Attribute]
Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event] - [Passing Information]
Monitoring Files Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Files]
Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Files] - [Passing Information]
Receive Mail Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail]
Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] - [Option after Receive]
Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail] - [Passing Information]
Receive MQ Message Detailed Definition - [Receive MQ Message]
Detailed Definition - [Receive MQ Message] - [Passing Information]
Receive MSMQ Message Detailed Definition - [Receive MSMQ Message]
Detailed Definition - [Receive MSMQ Message] - [Passing Information]
Monitoring Log Files Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files]
Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Edit]
Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Log File Behavior]
Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Passing Information]
Monitoring Event Log Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Event Log]
Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Event Log] - [Passing Information]
Interval Control Detailed Definition - [Interval Control]
Actions Send JP1 Event Detailed Definition - [Send JP1 Event]
Send Mail Detailed Definition - [Send Mail]
Detailed Definition - [Send Mail] - [Attached File]
Send MQ Message Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message]
Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message] - [Detailed Setting]
Send MSMQ Message Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message]
Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message] - [Message Body]
OpenView Status Report Detailed Definition - [OpenView Status Report]
Local Power Control Detailed Definition - [Local Power Control]
Remote Power Control Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control]
Custom Jobs FTP Job Define Details - [Custom Job]
R/3 Job Define Details - [Custom Job]
Oracle Job Define Details - [Custom Job]



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.