Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.4.32 Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message] - [Message Body] dialog box

The Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message] - [Message Body] dialog box sets the details on sending an MSMQ message.

The following figure shows the Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message] - [Message Body] dialog box.

Figure 15-156 Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message] - [Message Body] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Message body file
Specify the name of the file containing the message to be sent. Use a character string of up to 259 bytes. You can use a macro variable. The default is a blank.
You can click the ... button to select a file name from the dialog box that will appear.

Message body type
Specify a message text type using a hexadecimal string. You can set values of 0 to FFFFFFFF. The default is a blank.



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