Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.4.8 Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box

The Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box defines the details of a Queue job. A user uses this dialog box to register a job with JP1/NQSEXEC, JP1/OJE for VOS3, Himalaya, or AS/400 (JP1/OJE for Midrange Computer). For the restrictions for Himalaya, see The following table. For details about the restrictions for JP1/NQSEXEC, JP1/OJE for VOS3, AS/400 (JP1/OJE for Midrange Computer), see 1.3 Linkage with other programs in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 2.

Table 15-31 Restrictions for linkage with Himalaya

Definition item Restrictions
Host name Host name of the Himalaya system: Character string of up to 240 bytes
Queue name Character string of up to 32 bytes
The system distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.
Job name Job name of the Himalaya system: Character string of up to 8 bytes
File name Unspecifiable
Parameters Unspecifiable
Priority Specify None.
Transfer file Unspecifiable

This dialog box contains the items displayed in common, and also contains the following pages:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Items displayed in common
(2) Definition page
(3) Transfer File page
(4) Attributes page

(1) Items displayed in common

The following figure shows the items displayed in common.

Figure 15-96 Items displayed in common in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Unit name
Specify a unit name. Use a character string of up to 30 bytes. The default is Queue-Job.

Specify a comment for the unit. Use a character string of up to 80 bytes. The default is a blank.

You cannot specify this for a Queue job.

(2) Definition page

The following figure shows the Definition page in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box.

Figure 15-97 Definition page in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Host name
Specify the name of the host in which the Queue job is to be registered. Use a character string of up to 255 bytes. The default is a blank.

Queue name
Specify the name of the host in which the Queue job is to be registered. Use a character string of up to 63 bytes. The default is a blank.

Job name
Specify the name of the Queue job to be executed. Use a character string of up to 63 bytes. In the initial status, this item is blank. If this item is not specified, the unit name for the Queue job is assumed.

File name
Specify a file name for the Queue job to be executed. Use a character string of up to 511 bytes. The default is a blank.
You can specify an absolute path name, or a path name relative to the working path for job execution or the path specified by the PATH environment variable.
For a Windows host, the PATH environment variable is valid for the system environment variable. For a UNIX host, the PATH environment variable for the OS user that executes jobs takes effect.
If the script file name contains any blanks, they must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").
If JP1/AJS3 is linked with JP1/OJE for VOS3, the name of the file to be executed cannot be omitted.

Specify job parameters. Use a character string of up to 1,023 bytes. The default is a blank.

Select the priority of job execution. You can set None, or 1 to 5. The highest priority is 5. The default is None.
When None is selected, the priority depends on the definition of the upper-level jobnet. If None is specified for the relevant job and all its upper-level jobnets up to the highest one, 1 is assumed as the priority.
For a UNIX host, if users who execute jobs resulting from mapping do not have superuser privileges, specifying the value of 4 or 5 will result in an authority error at the time of job execution.
The following gives the values you can specify, and their meanings.

Table 15-32 Specifiable values and execution priority

Specifiable values For UNIX For Windows
1 nice value +20 Lower than interactive processing
2 nice value +10 Lower than interactive processing
3 snice value Equal to interactive processing
4 nice value -10 Higher than interactive processing
5 nice value -20 Higher than interactive processing

Supplementary note
Windows provides three priority stages. Specify the following three priority classes to start a job process.
  • If the specified value is 1 or 2, the job process runs when the system is idle. (Specify IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, which Windows stipulates.)
  • If the specified value is 3, the job process runs as a general one. (Specify NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, which Windows stipulates.)
  • If the specified value is 4 or 5, the job process runs before the thread of the process to which you assigned the above priority class. (Specify HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, which Windows stipulates.)
In UNIX, JP1/AJS3 service's nice value used when jajs_spmd is executed is used as the default (base) nice value. When the JP1/AJS3 service's nice value has not been set, 20 is assumed as the nice value.
For example, when the priority setting is 1 and the nice value is 20, the priority value is calculated as shown below.
39 [Figure] 20 (initial value) + 20 (increment)
If the resulting value is not within the possible nice value range (0-39), the maximum value is 39 and the minimum value is 0.

End judgment
Select conditions for end judgment.

The displayed items vary depending on the rule selected in the Rule drop-down list. In the initial status, Judgment by threshold is selected and the thresholds for the Warning and Abnormal levels are displayed. You can select one of the following rules for end judgment.
  • Always normal
    Always terminates the Queue job normally. You can specify neither Warning nor Abnormal.
  • Always abnormal
    Always terminates the Queue job abnormally. You can specify neither Warning nor Abnormal.
  • Judgment by threshold
    Define reference values for the normal end and the warning end, or for the normal end and the abnormal end. In the Warning and Abnormal text boxes, you can set 0 to 2,147,483,647. The default is a blank for Warning, and 0 for Abnormal.
    By default, the system assumes an abnormal end if the return code is other than zero. If you set Warning, the system assumes a normal end if the return code is from zero to the value of Warning. It assumes warning end if the return code is larger than the value of Warning. If you set Abnormal, the system assumes a normal end if the return code is from zero to the value of Abnormal. It assumes an abnormal end if the return code is not larger than -1 or larger than the value of Abnormal. If you specify both Warning and Abnormal, the system assumes as follows:
    Normal end: The return code is from zero to the Warning value
    Warning end: The return code is larger than the Warning value but not larger than the Abnormal value
    Abnormal end: The return code is not larger than -1 or larger than the Abnormal value.
    In UNIX, the return codes only have positive values from 0 to 255.
    If the program exits with a negative value, the return code is assumed to be 256 + (exit code). For example, if the program exists with -1, the system assumes 256 - 1 = 255.
Do not specify, as the file name, the path beginning with the network drive name. The network drive is reconnected after a user logs on to Windows. If the user does not log on to Windows, the system may not be able to recognize the path name of the execution file. Specify the path beginning with a computer name such as \\computer-name\shared-folder\execution-file-name. Do not use a path beginning with a network drive name.

(3) Transfer File page

The Transfer File page in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box defines settings for transferring a file required to execute a job from JP1/AJS3 - Manager to JP1/AJS3 - Agent. You can transfer only text-format files.

The following figure shows the Transfer File page in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box.

Figure 15-98 Transfer File page in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Transfer file 1 - Transfer file 4
You can set up to four transfer files for one job.

File to transfer
Specify a file in JP1/AJS3 - Manager. Use a character string of up to 511 bytes. Set a full path file name. The default is a blank.

Destination file
Specify the name of the file to be transferred to the agent host. Use a character string of up to 511 bytes. Set a full path file name. The default is a blank.

Cautionary note
JP1/AJS3 transfers transfer files from the manager host to the agent host. It also transfers result files (standard output files and standard error output files) from the agent host to the manager host.
  • For transfer files
    When you specify transfer files for a Queue job, make sure that the character code set for the JP1/AJS3 service at the manager host is identical to the character code set for the source files. When you specify transfer files for a job submitting jpqjobsub and other commands, make sure that the character code set for the command execution process is identical to the character code set for the source files.
  • For result files
    You must make sure that the character code set for job-generated result files is identical to that for the JP1/AJS3 service at the agent host.
    Do not specify, as the file name, the path beginning with the network drive name. The network drive is reconnected after a user logs on to Windows. If the user does not log on to Windows, the system may not be able to recognize the path name of the execution file. Specify the path beginning with a computer name such as \\computer-name\shared-folder\execution-file-name. Do not use a path beginning with a network drive name.

(4) Attributes page

The following figure shows the Attributes page in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box.

Figure 15-99 Attributes page in the Define Details - [Queue Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Specify whether to place the unit in the hold status in advance. You can specify No or Yes. The default is No.

Set the unit type to Normal or Recovery. The default is Normal.

Set timeout period
You cannot specify this for a Queue job.

Timeout period
You cannot specify this for a Queue job.

Delayed end
Specify whether to monitor delayed end of jobs based on time required for execution. Select the Time-required-for-execution check box to monitor delayed end of jobs. The check box is not selected by default.
When you select the Time-required-for-execution check box, specify the time required for execution for a job from 1 to 1,440 (in minutes).
This section appears for the JP1/AJS3 - View, or JP1/AJS2 - View of version 08-50 or later. For details about cautionary notes on monitoring of delayed end of jobs based on time required for execution, see 5.1(3) End delay monitoring based on time-required-for-execution in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.

Specify the owner of the unit. Use a character string of up to 31 bytes. The default is the login JP1 user name.

JP1 resource group
Specify a JP1 resource group name. Use a character string of up to 63 bytes. You can specify alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). The default is the JP1 resource group name of the upper-level unit. If you specify a blank, you are not authorized to access this group.

Executed by
Select the user who executes the job. The default is User who registered. You can select either of the following.
  • User who registered
    Performs user mapping for the JP1 user who registered the job. The system executes the job under the converted OS user account.
  • User who owns
    Performs user mapping for the JP1 user who owns the job. The system executes the job under the converted user account.
You must perform user mapping on the host where you want to execute the job so that the specified user is converted to a OS user.



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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.