Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager

Quick Reference




1. Setting Up a System
1.1 Setting up a basic system
1.1.1 Using IM Configuration Management to set up a system
1.1.2 Verifying that the system was set up correctly
1.2 Executing a command on a target host
1.2.1 Using the user mapping feature to map a JP1 user account to an OS user account
1.2.2 Verifying that you can execute a command
1.3 Centrally monitoring events that are issued in a system
1.3.1 Using Central Console to centrally manage a system
1.3.2 Verifying that central monitoring of the system was achieved
1.4 Visually monitoring events that are issued in a system
1.4.1 Learning how to use Central Scope
1.4.2 Verifying that you can monitor events in both tree format and map format

2. Monitoring a System
2.1 Filtering the events that are displayed
2.1.1 Using the view filter to specify conditions
2.1.2 Verifying that the events that match the conditions are displayed
2.2 Changing the severity level of events to better match your operations
2.2.1 Using the severity changing function to change the severity level of events
2.2.2 Verifying that the event severity level has been changed
2.3 Removing hosts undergoing maintenance from being monitored
2.3.1 Using common exclusion conditions in a filter to temporarily remove hosts from being monitored
2.3.2 Verifying that events from unmonitored hosts are not displayed

3. Detecting Errors
3.1 Handling multiple events as a single event
3.1.1 Associating events with correlation events
3.1.2 Verifying that the correlation event is generated
3.2 Automatically executing a command when a specific event is generated
3.2.1 Using the automated action function to execute a command
3.2.2 Verifying that the command was executed
3.3 Preventing an action that has already been executed once from being executed during a set period of time
3.3.1 Using automated action suppression to prevent an action from being executed repeatedly
3.3.2 Verifying that the same action does not execute repeatedly

4. Troubleshooting Errors
4.1 Checking the status of previously-issued events
4.1.1 Using the event display start-time specification function to specify the display time of events
4.1.2 Verifying that events are displayed from the specified display time
4.2 Searching for events
4.2.1 Using the search events function to search for events that match a specified condition
4.2.2 Verifying that the event was found
4.3 Registering for later display the corrective action to take for previously-issued events
4.3.1 Using the event guide function to register the corrective action to take
4.3.2 Verifying that the corrective action is registered



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