Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Quick Reference
Once you have finished setting up user mapping for host A as described in 1.2.1 Using the user mapping feature to map a JP1 user account to an OS user account, check whether you can execute a command from the manager.
First, display the Execute Command window.
- To display the window:
- To display the Execute Command window, in the Event Console window, click the Execute Command button.
To check whether you can execute a command from the manager:
- For Target host, specify the target host on which the command will be executed.
- For Command, enter the JP1/Base jevsend command as follows: jevsend -e SEVERITY=Warning -m, and click Execute.
The jevsend -e SEVERITY=Warning -m command is executed.
For this example, verify that an event is displayed with the message Executed the command-name command of severity level Warning.
- user mapping, mapping, command, relationship
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