Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Quick Reference
To check the status of processes provided by JP1/IM - Manager on various hosts, or to check the system environment settings, system administrators execute commands in a component called Central Console. Central Console is a component provided by JP1/IM - Manager to capture events issued in a system based on a physical perspective for the purpose of facilitating management of system operations. Commands are executed using an OS user account on the target host, which means that the JP1 user executing the command must be mapped to an OS user account on the target host. Let's map a JP1 user to an OS user account, and then execute a command on a target host.
- Organization of this section
- 1.2.1 Using the user mapping feature to map a JP1 user account to an OS user account
- 1.2.2 Verifying that you can execute a command
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