Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


4.3 Transferring files

When the remote control mode is either exclusive or shared, you can send and/or receive files between the controller and agent during remote control operations. You can also transfer files between agents and edit agent file information.

Use the File Transfer window for file transmission.

Organization of this section
4.3.1 File Transfer window
4.3.2 Opening and closing the File Transfer window
4.3.3 File transfer security
4.3.4 File transmission operations
4.3.5 Displaying the transmission status and canceling the process
4.3.6 Manipulating agent files
4.3.7 Confirming file information
4.3.8 Editing a file
4.3.9 Configuring the file transmission options
4.3.10 Notes on file transmission