Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.6 Setting assigned items (Assign Inventory)

When inventory information collected by JP1/Software Distribution is imported into the asset management database, this job enables you to establish the correspondence between Asset Information Manager's managed items and JP1/Software Distribution's inventory items. It also enables you to specify the default values for status and type when inventory information is imported. For details about the type of inventory information that is assigned to Asset Information Manager's managed items and the information that is acquired, see 13.1 Inventory information that can be acquired from JP1/Software Distribution.

To set the items to be assigned, start from the Assign Inventory window, which is displayed by clicking the Assign Inventory job menu. The figure below shows the Assign Inventory window.

Figure 9-39 Assign Inventory window


This window lists Asset Information Manager's managed items and the items that are assigned to them. Managed items lists in the format the items that have been set to be displayed by Customize Managed Items.

To set an assigned item, click the Browse button for the corresponding managed item.

Two types of inventory information are assigned to installed software's user property, namely installed package information, and software inventory information. Therefore, you can set two types of assigned items for the same property in the same class. For example, if you have assigned the installed package information when the inventory information was registered, the information is registered in the installed software's user property according to the settings for the items assigned to the installed package information.
Organization of this section
9.6.1 Setting an assigned item for asset numbers
9.6.2 Setting an assigned item for user names
9.6.3 Setting assigned items for group and location
9.6.4 Setting assigned items for device types
9.6.5 Adding items to be acquired from inventory information
9.6.6 Changing a default value when inventory information is registered