Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.5.13 Example of executing a user report

This subsection describes how to execute the user report created in 9.5.12 Example of creating a user report by window operation and from the command line.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Example of execution by window operation
(2) Example of execution from the command line

(1) Example of execution by window operation

Under Device Management, choose the List of Address in Use job menu to display the created user report window.

The figure below shows the created user report window.

Figure 9-38 User report window for searching for the IP addresses in use


If you specify a search condition and then click the Search button, the list of IP addresses in use is displayed. As the search result, this example displays the devices that are using the IP addresses from 192.XXX.XX.0 to 192.XXX.XX.10 in Section 1. In the search results, clicking a column title sorts the list in ascending or descending order of the data in that column.

Downloading the search results
By clicking the CSV button, you can download to a CSV file the information displayed as the search results.

Displaying and editing details
Clicking an Asset No. link displays the Device Details dialog box that enables you to view and edit details about that device.

(2) Example of execution from the command line

In this example, a user with administrator permissions searches the List of Address in Use user report from a command line, and outputs the results to C:\Machine.csv.