Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.5.12 Example of creating a user report

This section describes the creation procedure using an example of searching for IP addresses that are in use and checking their usage status.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Examining the information to be searched
(2) Examining the class join method
(3) Examining the search conditions to be specified in the window
(4) Procedure for creating a user report in windows

(1) Examining the information to be searched

To search for the IP addresses that are in use, first examine the class to be searched.

The IP address, Asset No., Device name, Device type, User name, Group name, and Location items are output to the search results list.

Next, search for the classes that have the above items as their properties. The correspondence between items and classes is as follows:

Items to be output to the search results list Class
IP address NetworkInfo
Asset No. AssetInfo
Device name HardwareInfo
Device type HardwareInfo
User name UserInfo
Group name GroupInfo
Location LocationInfo

(2) Examining the class join method

Once the information to be searched and their classes have been determined, examine the class join method.

The following figure shows an example of examining the class join method.

Figure 9-32 Example of examining the class join method


Relationship between classes
  • NetworkInfo and AssetInfo are joined by association class NetworkLink.
  • AssetInfo and Hardware are joined by association class HardwareLink.
  • AssetInfo and UserInfo, GroupInfo, and LocationInfo are not joined by association class; therefore, use the same key to join them.

Inner and outer joins
  • To identify the devices that are currently using the IP addresses, those devices with no IP address are removed from the search results. Therefore, NetworkInfo and AssetInfo have an INNER relationship (inner join).
  • Information about Device name, User name, Group name, and Location is output to the search results even if there is no value. Therefore, AssetInfo and Hardware, UserInfo, GroupInfo, and LocationInfo each have an OUTER relationship (outer join).
To define class join in the window, define the inner join and then the outer join in this order.
For the order of source class (Class name join) and target class (Class name join to), if all classes are joined to a single class (AssetInfo) as in this example, specify AssetInfo as the source class for all classes.

(3) Examining the search conditions to be specified in the window

Separately from the items to be output as the search results, examine the items to be specified as the search conditions in the window and the search method.

To narrow down the IP addresses in use by managerial group or by location of the devices, this example defines these two items as the search conditions. To narrow down the IP addresses by range, define the IP address as a search condition.

(4) Procedure for creating a user report in windows

This step defines the selected join method for each class and search conditions in windows and creates a user report for searching for the IP addresses in use.

To create a user report in windows:

  1. From the job menu, choose Create User Report.
    The Create User Report window appears.
  2. Click the Add button.
    The window for selecting search conditions appears.
  3. Select Joined class search, and then click the Next button.
    The window for defining the search conditions appears.
  4. Define the join method for each class.
    Define each join method between classes. To add an area for specifying the class join method, click the Add button.
    The figure below shows an example of defining the class join method.

    Figure 9-33 Example of defining the class join method


    Define the join method between classes NetworkInfo and AssetInfo
    After selecting Association as the class join method, select Network link. For Join type, select INNER.
    Define the join method between classes AssetInfo and Hardware
    After selecting Association as the class join method, select Hardware link. For Join type, select OUTER.
    Define the join method between classes AssetInfo and UserInfo
    Specify Specify class as the class join method, and then specify as follows:
    Class name join: Asset information, Key property: User ID
    Class name join to: User information, Key property: User ID
    Join type: OUTER
    Define the join method between classes AssetInfo and GroupInfo
    Specify Specify class as the class join method, and then specify as follows:
    Class name join: Asset information, Key property: Group ID
    Class name join to: Group information, Key property: Group ID
    Join type: OUTER
    Define the join method between classes AssetInfo and LocationInfo
    Specify Specify class as the class join method, and then specify as follows:
    Class name join: Asset information, Key property: Location ID
    Class name join to: Location information, Key property: Location ID
    Join type: OUTER
  5. Define the search conditions.
    The following figure shows how to specify search conditions on the Screen tab.

    Figure 9-34 How to specify search conditions on the Screen tab


    Select the check boxes of the search conditions that are to be displayed in the window.
    If Group name or Location is defined as the search condition, there is no need to specify Condition code. Right truncation is always assumed for search.
    The following figure shows how to specify search conditions on the Command Argument tab.

    Figure 9-35 How to specify search conditions on the Command Argument tab


  6. Specify the output items.
    Specify the following output items:
    • IP address of Network information
    • Asset No. of Asset information
      Select either Show details or Hide details to specify whether to display from the search results list a dialog box providing details.
    • Device name of Hardware information
    • Device type of Hardware information
      Select Display name, Value, or All to specify whether to display the code (value) indicating the type and the display name.
    • User name of User information
    • Group name of Group information
    • Location of Location information
  7. Specify the sort order and display width of output items.
    In the Screen display information field, specify the order and display width of output items.
    The following figure shows an example of the order of output items.

    Figure 9-36 Example of the order of output items


  8. Select Duplicated data is not output.
  9. Click the Preview button.
    Check the specified information, and close the preview window.
  10. Click the Next button.
    The window for registering the user report appears.
  11. Select the job category to which the user report is to be added.
    From the tree, choose Device Management.
  12. Specify Report name for the user report and the user role that can use the user report.
    Specify each item as follows:
    • Report name: Specify List of IP Addresses in Use.
    • Role: Select the check boxes for both Role: administrator and Role: user.
    The following figure shows the user report registration window with items specified.

    Figure 9-37 User report registration window


  13. Click the Entry button.
    The user report for searching for the IP addresses that are in use is created.