Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13. Handling Tables

This chapter explains the procedures for handling tables.

Organization of this chapter
13.1 Checking table storage efficiency
13.2 Reorganizing a table
13.3 Reorganizing a table (examples)
13.4 Predicting table reorganization time (facility for predicting reorganization time)
13.5 Deleting data from a table
13.6 Adding a column
13.7 Deleting a column
13.8 Modifying a table's definition
13.9 Changing a table name or column name
13.10 Increasing the number of table row partitions
13.11 Increasing the number of table row partitions (using the hash facility for hash row partitioning)
13.12 Changing a table's partitioning storage conditions
13.13 Operation when changing a table's partitioning storage conditions
13.14 Changing the hash function
13.15 Changing a table's partitioning definition
13.16 Migrating data to another table
13.17 Deleting a table
13.18 Deleting a schema
13.19 Deleting an abstract data type
13.20 Creating a definition SQL from an existing table
13.21 Managing a list (narrowed search)
13.22 Standardizing spaces in table data
13.23 Converting the sign portion of the decimal type