Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.12 Changing a table's partitioning storage conditions

Executor: HiRDB administrator and table owner

You can use ALTER TABLE to change the partitioning storage conditions for a table that was row-partitioned using key range partitioning.# Changing a table's partitioning storage conditions enables you to reuse RDAREAs that have been storing obsolete data, thus reducing your workload because you do not have to delete tables and re-create them.

ALTER TABLE is used to change a table's partitioning storage conditions when the following partitioning methods have been used:
  • Boundary value specification
  • Storage condition specification (only when the equal sign (=) is used as the comparison operator in the storage conditions)
  • Matrix partitioning (only for key range partitioning dimensions that use boundary value specification)

HiRDB Advanced High Availability must be installed as a prerequisite for changing a table's partitioning storage conditions.

Organization of this section
13.12.1 Purpose of changing partitioning storage conditions
13.12.2 Facilities used to change partitioning storage conditions
13.12.3 Prerequisites
13.12.4 How to change partitioning storage conditions (in the case of boundary value specification)
13.12.5 Splitting an RDAREA (in the case of boundary value specification)
13.12.6 Combining RDAREAs (in the case of boundary value specification)
13.12.7 How to change partitioning storage conditions (in the case of storage condition specification)
13.12.8 Splitting an RDAREA (in the case of storage condition specification)
13.12.9 Combining RDAREAs (in the case of storage condition specification)
13.12.10 Changing the partitioning storage conditions (in the case of matrix partitioning)
13.12.11 Partitioning an RDAREA (matrix partitioning)
13.12.12 Combining RDAREAs (matrix partitioning)
13.12.13 Relationship with other facilities