Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.15 Changing a table's partitioning definition

Executor: HiRDB administrator and table owner (or user with DBA privilege)

This section explains how to change the partitioning definition of a table.

Reference note
After the table partitioning method has been changed, execute the optimizing information collection utility (pdgetcst command) if necessary. For details about whether execution of the optimizing information collection utility is required, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.
Organization of this section
13.15.1 Example 1: Changing from key range partitioning to hash partitioning and changing the partitioning key column
13.15.2 Example 2: Changing from hash partitioning to key range partitioning
13.15.3 Example 3: Allocating a different RDAREA each month (when matrix partitioning is not used)
13.15.4 Example 4: Allocating a different RDAREA each month (in the case of matrix partitioning)
13.15.5 Example 5: Allocating a different RDAREA each day (in a case in which matrix partitioning is not used)
13.15.6 Example 6: Allocating a different RDAREA each day (in the case of matrix partitioning)