Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.15.1 Example 1: Changing from key range partitioning to hash partitioning and changing the partitioning key column

Organization of this subsection
(1) Use the pdhold command to shut down RDAREAs to be unloaded
(2) Use the pdrorg command to unload data from TABLE01
(3) Use the pdrels command to release RDAREAs from shutdown status
(4) Use the DROP TABLE statement to delete TABLE01
(5) Use the CREATE TABLE statement to redefine the partitioning method for TABLE01
(6) Use the CREATE INDEX statement to redefine the index
(7) Use the pdhold command to shut down RDAREAs into which data is to be loaded
(8) Use the pdload command to load data into TABLE01
(9) Back up the RDAREAs in which data was loaded
(10) Use the pdrels command to release RDAREAs from shutdown status

(1) Use the pdhold command to shut down RDAREAs to be unloaded

pdhold -r RDAREA01,RDAREA02,...

(2) Use the pdrorg command to unload data from TABLE01

pdrorg -k unld -W bin -t TABLE01 -g /pdrorg/unld01

-k: Specifies unld for unloading.
-W bin: Specifies that the unload data file is to be used as the input file (binary format) for the pdload command.
-t: Specifies the name of the table that is to be unloaded.
-g: Specifies that TABLE01 is row-partitioned between servers in a HiRDB parallel server configuration. Specifying the -g option consolidates the unload data files (into a single file).
/pdrorg/unld01: Specifies the name of the control information file for the pdrorg command.

(3) Use the pdrels command to release RDAREAs from shutdown status

pdrels -r RDAREA01,RDAREA02,...

(4) Use the DROP TABLE statement to delete TABLE01


(5) Use the CREATE TABLE statement to redefine the partitioning method for TABLE01


(6) Use the CREATE INDEX statement to redefine the index


(7) Use the pdhold command to shut down RDAREAs into which data is to be loaded

pdhold -r RDAREA01,RDAREA02,...

(8) Use the pdload command to load data into TABLE01

pdload -b -W TABLE01 /pdload/load01

-b: Specifies that data in binary format is to be loaded.
-W: Specifies that an input data file in binary format, created with the pdrorg command, is to be used.
TABLE01: Specifies the name of the table into which the data is to be loaded.
/pdload/load01: Specifies the name of the control information file for the pdload command.

(9) Back up the RDAREAs in which data was loaded

Because you loaded data in the pre-update acquisition mode (default), back up the RDAREAs in which data was loaded. For details about backing up RDAREAs, see 6.4.8 Example 8 (backing up specified RDAREAs).

(10) Use the pdrels command to release RDAREAs from shutdown status

pdrels -r RDAREA01,RDAREA02,...

We recommend that after the command has executed you check whether the execution results are correct. For details on how to check command execution results, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.