Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.19 Deleting an abstract data type

Executor: Table owner or DBA privilege holder

DROP DATA TYPE is used to delete an abstract data type.

An abstract data type cannot be deleted while it is being used by any resource (table, index, or another abstract data type).
Organization of this section
(1) When an abstract data type cannot be deleted
(2) Subtypes cannot be deleted

(1) When an abstract data type cannot be deleted

If a data type or its parent data type to be deleted satisfies any of the conditions listed below, WITH PROGRAM must be specified in DROP DATA TYPE; otherwise, the deletion processing will fail:

Deleting an abstract data type invalidates any stored routine or trigger that satisfies the above conditions. If this happens, use the ALTER PROCEDURE, ALTER ROUTINE, or ALTER TRIGGER statement to re-create the stored routines and stored triggers.

(2) Subtypes cannot be deleted