Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.18 Deleting a schema

Executor: Schema owner or DBA privilege holder

DROP SCHEMA is used to delete a schema.

Organization of this section
(1) Resources that are deleted when a schema is deleted
(2) Other users' resources that are affected
(3) When a schema cannot be deleted

(1) Resources that are deleted when a schema is deleted

When a schema is deleted, the schema owner's resources are also deleted. This means that the following resources are deleted:

(2) Other users' resources that are affected

View tables are deleted
Because the schema owner's tables and view tables are deleted, all view tables created from any of those tables or view tables are also deleted.

Access privileges are revoked
Because the schema owner's tables and view tables are deleted, all access privileges for those tables and view tables are revoked.

Stored routines and triggers become invalid
Because the schema owner's tables, view tables, indexes, abstract data types, stored routines, and triggers are deleted, stored routines and triggers that use any of these resources become invalid.

(3) When a schema cannot be deleted