Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.17 Deleting a table

Executor: Table owner or DBA privilege holder

DROP TABLE is used to delete an unneeded table. Because the data stored in the table is deleted, free space is created in the user RDAREAs, enabling the user RDAREAs to be used more efficiently.

  1. When a table is deleted, the following resources are also deleted:
    [Figure] Indexes for the table
    [Figure] View tables created from the table
    [Figure] Access privileges to the table
    [Figure] Triggers defined for the table
  2. Deleting a table invalidates any stored routines that use that table.
  3. Deleting a table specified in a trigger SQL statement invalidates the trigger.
  4. Falsification prevented tables containing data cannot be deleted.