Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.3 Reorganizing a table (examples)

Executor: HiRDB administrator and table owner (or user with DBA privilege)

This section presents and explains examples of table reorganization. The following is a list of the examples:

Organization of this section
13.3.1 Example 1: Reorganizing a table (HiRDB single server configuration)
13.3.2 Example 2: Reorganizing a table (HiRDB parallel server configuration)
13.3.3 Example 3: Reorganizing an RDAREA
13.3.4 Example 4: Reorganizing a schema
13.3.5 Example 5: Reorganizing a table in which a LOB column is defined
13.3.6 Example 6: Reorganizing data dictionary tables
13.3.7 Example 7: Reorganizing in no-log mode
13.3.8 Example 8: Reorganizing a table in which an abstract data type is defined