Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.6 Adding a column

Executor: HiRDB administrator and table owner

You add a column to a table by executing ALTER TABLE with the ADD operand specified.

Organization of this section
13.6.1 Preparations for adding a column
13.6.2 Example 1: Adding a column to a table without the FIX attribute
13.6.3 Example 2: Adding a LOB column
13.6.4 Example 3: Adding an abstract data type column
13.6.5 Example 4: Adding a column to a table with the FIX attribute (defining a reserved column)
13.6.6 Example 5: Adding a column to a table with the FIX attribute (unloading in DAT format)
13.6.7 Example 6: Adding a column to a table with the FIX attribute (unloading in binary format)