Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


13.23 Converting the sign portion of the decimal type

Executor: HiRDB administrator and table owner (or user with DBA privilege)

The three data formats decimal, day interval, and time interval are signed, packed formats consisting of an integer portion and a sign portion. Normally, HiRDB stores as is in a database the sign that is input from a UAP or utility,# using X'C' (positive), X'D' (negative), or X'F' (positive) as valid values for the sign portion of signed packed data. HiRDB also treats +0 (sign portion X'C' or X'F') and -0 (sign portion X'D') as different values.

The facility for conversion to a decimal signed normalized number is used to convert the sign portion of decimal, day interval, and time interval signed packed format data. This section explains how to use the facility for conversion to a decimal signed normalized number to convert the sign portion of signed packed format data.

#: Format conversion during SQL execution or computation might also result in sign conversion. The sign might also be converted when a multicolumn index is used.

Organization of this section
13.23.1 Overview of the facility for conversion to a decimal signed normalized number
13.23.2 Normalizing existing data