
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.1 List of definition files and definition items used by the web server

This topic provides a summary of the definition files and definition items used to configure the operating environment of the web server.

Definition files used by the web server

Definition file



2.2 httpsd.conf

File for configuring the operating environment of the web server

Defines the operating environment of the web server by the multiple directives. The system administrator manages these directives.

2.4 mime.types

File for defining the relationship between file extensions and content types

Defines the relationship between file extensions and content types (MIME types). This file is managed by the system administrator.

2.5 Access control file

File for defining access control

Defines access control. By creating the access control file (.htaccess) in a specific directory, you can specify an access permission for the directory.

Definition items (directives) used by the web server

Definition item (directive)



2.3.1 <Directory>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for a specific directory

Specifies directives that are applied only for a specific directory.

2.3.2 <DirectoryMatch>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for directories that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions

Specifies directives that are applied only for directories that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions.

2.3.3 <Files>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for a specific file

Specifies directives that are applied only for a specific file.

2.3.4 <FilesMatch>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for files that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions

Specifies directives that are applied only for files that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions.

2.3.5 <IfModule>

Definition of the directives that are applied only if the specified module is embedded.

If the specified module is embedded, the directive specified within the block are applied. If ! is added before the module name, when the specified module is not embedded, the directive specified within the block are applied. No restriction exists on the directive that can be specified within the block.

2.3.6 <Limit>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for specific HTTP protocol methods

Specifies directives for access control that are applied only for specific HTTP protocol methods.

2.3.7 <Location>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for a specific URL

Specifies directives that are applied only for a request sent to a specific URL.

2.3.8 <LocationMatch>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for the requests sent to the URLs that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions

Specifies directives that are applied only for the requests sent to the URLs that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions.

2.3.9 <Proxy>

Definition of the allocation destination used in a load balancer configuration

Specifies directives that define the BalancerMember directive, if you are using a reverse proxy in a load balancer configuration by using mod_proxy_balancer.

2.3.10 <VirtualHost>

Definition of the directives that are applied only for a specific host or IP address

Specifies directives that are applied only for requests sent to the host specified in host_name or in IP_address[:port_number].

2.3.11 AccessFileName

Definition of the name of the file that defines the access control directives (access control file)

Specifies the name of the file that defines the access control directives (access control file).

2.3.12 Action

Execution of a CGI script on the content specified by a specific MIME type or handler

Specifies the CGI script name of the script to be executed when the content specified in the MIME type or the handler is requested from the web browser.

2.3.13 AddAlt

Specification of the character string associated with the file extension to be displayed instead of the icon when the directory index is displayed

To be specified when you want to display character strings associated with the file specified by the extension when the directory index is displayed.

2.3.14 AddAltByEncoding

Specification of the character string associated with the MIME encoding to be displayed instead of the icon when the directory index is displayed

To be specified when you want to display character strings associated with the MIME encoding (for example, x-compress) when the directory index is displayed in an environment where icons cannot be displayed.

2.3.15 AddAltByType

Specification of the character string associated with the MIME type to be displayed instead of the icon when the directory index is displayed

To be specified when you want to display character strings associated with the MIME type (for example, text/html) when the directory index is displayed in an environment where icons cannot be displayed.

2.3.16 AddCharset

Specification of a character set for a file extension

Specifies a character set for a file extension.

2.3.17 AddDefaultCharset

Specification of the default character set for a file extension

Specifies the default character set for a file extension, when Content-Type is text/plain or text html.

2.3.18 AddDescription

Specification the description of a file to be displayed when the directory index is displayed and formatted

To be specified when you want to display a descriptive character string for one of the following items specified by the file name when the directory index is displayed and formatted: a file extension, a file name using wildcards, or a full file name without path information

2.3.19 AddEncoding

Specification of the association between the compression format and the extension necessary for the web browser to display the compressed data on the web server

Specifies the association between the compression format and the extension necessary for the web browser to display the compressed data on the web server.

2.3.20 AddHandler

Definition of the association between a handler and the file extensions to be processed by the handler

Defines the association between a handler and the file extensions to be processed by the handler.

2.3.21 AddIcon

Display of the icon associated with the extension when the directory index is displayed and formatted.

To be specified when you want to display the directory index icon associated with the extension

2.3.22 AddIconByEncoding

Display of the icon associated with a MIME encoding when the directory index is displayed and formatted.

To be specified when you want to display an icon associated with a MIME encoding when the directory index is displayed and formatted.

2.3.23 AddIconByType

Display of the icon associated with a MIME type when the directory index is displayed and formatted.

To be specified when you want to display an icon associated with a MIME type when the directory index is displayed and formatted.

2.3.24 AddLanguage

Specification of the language to be used in documents

Specifies the language to be used in documents.

2.3.25 AddType

Association between the extension and the MIME type of the content that is not defined in the file specified in the TypesConfig directive.

To be specified when you want to associate the extension and the MIME type of the content that is not defined in the file specified in the TypesConfig directive.

2.3.26 Alias

Specification of another name to replace a URL to a file system path

Specifies another name to replace the specific URL requested from a web browser.

2.3.27 AliasMatch

Specification of a regular expression to replace the URL to a file system path

Specifies the new path to replace the URL requested from a web browser.

2.3.28 Allow

Specification of the clients who are permitted to access the web server

To be specified when you want to restrict the clients who can access the web server.

You can specify the domain name, IP address, subnet, and netmask of the hosts that are permitted access for the host

2.3.29 AllowOverride

Specification of whether to overwrite the access information definitions in the file specified in the AccessFileName directive

Specifies specifies the file specified in the AccessFileName directive has permission to overwrite the access information definition.

2.3.30 AuthBasicAuthoritative

Specification of the control method when user authentication is performed

Specifies the control method when user authentication is performed.

2.3.31 AuthGroupFile

Specification of the name of the file that stores the list of groups to be authenticated when user authentication is performed by groups

Specifies the name of file that stores the list of groups to be authenticated when user authentication is performed by groups

2.3.32 AuthName

Specification of the realm name when user authentication is performed

Specifies the realm name (which is displayed in the user authentication window for the web browser) when user authentication is performed.

2.3.33 AuthType

Specification of the authentication control type when user authentication is performed.

Specifies the authentication control type when user authentication is performed.

2.3.34 AuthUserFile

Specification of the name of the file that stores the list of user names and passwords to be authenticated when user authentication is performed by user names

If you want to authenticate users by their user names, specify the name of the file that stores the list of user names and passwords to be authenticated.

2.3.35 BalancerMember

Specification of the URL of the forwarding destination when using the reverse proxy in a load balancer configuration

Specifies the URL of the forwarding destination if you want to use the reverse proxy in a load balancer configuration by using mod_proxy_balancer.

2.3.36 BrowserMatch

Setting of the environment variables for each web browser

Sets the environment variables for each web browser.

2.3.37 BrowserMatchNoCase

Setting of the environment variables for each web browser

Sets the environment variables for each web browser.

2.3.38 CacheNegotiatedDocs

Specification of whether to enable the cache on the client side by using a request for content negotiation

Specifies whether to enable the cache on the client side by using a request for content negotiation.

2.3.39 CustomLog

Specification of the output format of the access log

Specifies for the log to be output to a file in the specified format.

2.3.40 DefaultIcon

Specification of the icon to be displayed when no specific icon is set in the directory index

Specifies the icon to be displayed in the directory index.

2.3.41 DefaultLanguage

Specification of the default language to be used in the document

Specifies the default language to be used in the document.

2.3.42 Deny

Specification of the clients who are prohibited to access the web server

Specifies this directive when you want to restrict the clients who can access the web server.

You can specify the domain name, IP address, subnet, and netmask of the hosts that are permitted access for the host

2.3.43 DirectoryIndex

Specification of the content file that is to be sent to the client by default

Specifies the file name of the content to be sent to the client by default when no specific content is specified in the request from the web browser.

2.3.44 DocumentRoot

Specification of the document root directory for storing the content

Specifies the absolute path of the document root directory for storing the content.

2.3.45 ErrorDocument

Customization of the message to be displayed in the web browser when an error occurs

To be specified when you want to customize the message to be displayed in the web browser when an error occurs.

2.3.46 ErrorLog

Specification of the output destination of error logs

Specifies the name of the file to which the error log is to be output. The content of the output logs can be selected by using the LogLevel directive.

2.3.47 ExpiresActive

Specification of whether to add a response header related to the expiration date functionality

Specifies whether to add the Expires header or the Cache-Control header to the response.

2.3.48 ExpiresByType

Specification of the expiration date for MIME-type documents

Specifies the expiration date for documents of the specified MIME type when the Expires header or the Cache-Control header is added to the response.

2.3.49 ExpiresDefault

Specification of the default expiration date

Specifies the default expiration date when the Expires header or the Cache-Control header is added to the response.

2.3.50 ExtendedStatus

Specification of whether to display the extended status information of each request when the status information is displayed

Specifies whether to display the extended status information in the status display format used by the server-status handler.

2.3.51 FileETag

Specification of the attribute value of the file used for creating the ETag response header field

Specifies the file attribute value to be used for creating the ETag response header field.

2.3.52 ForceType

Specification of the MIME type used for all content under a specific directory

Specifies the MIME type to be defined for the <Directory> block or the access control file, and to be used for all content under a specific directory.

2.3.53 Header

Customization of the response header for responses to a 200-series status code

To be specified when you want to customize the response header for responses to a 200-series status code. When the backend web server is used as a reverse proxy, the response header is customized regardless of the value of the status code returned by the backend web server.

2.3.54 HeaderName

Specification of the file containing the comments to be appended to the header when the directory index is displayed

Specifies the name (without path information) of the file containing the comments to be appended to the header when the directory index is displayed.

2.3.55 HostnameLookups

Specification of whether to perform reverse DNS lookup to look up host names

Specifies whether to perform reverse DNS lookup to convert the IP address of the client that is output to the REMOTE_HOST environment variable and CGI log file, to a host name.

2.3.56 HWSErrorDocumentMETACharset

Specification of the character set that corresponds to the message to be displayed in the web browser when an error occurs

Specifies the character set for the message to be displayed in the web browser when an error occurs.

2.3.57 HWSErrorLogClientAddr

Changing of the client address that is output to the error log, to the value of the X-Forwarded-For header

To be specified on the backend server when you want the message text "[client client_address:port_number]" that is output to the error log, to be changed to "[X-Forwarded-For X-Forwarded-For header_value]".

2.3.58 HWSGracefulStopLog

Specification of whether information about the requests that were forcibly stopped during scheduled downtime, is to be output to the error log file

Specifies whether information about the requests that were forcibly stopped after the forced-stop wait time elapsed during scheduled downtime, is to be output to the error log file.

2.3.59 HWSGracefulStopTimeout

Specification of the wait time before the requests being executed are forcibly stopped during scheduled downtime

Specifies the forced-stop wait time (in seconds), before the requests being executed are stopped, during scheduled downtime.

2.3.60 HWSImapMenuCharset

Specification of the character set for the menu display

Specifies the character set for the menu display.

2.3.61 HWSLogSSLVerbose

Specification of whether to display the detailed information for errors output to the log during the SSL handshake processing

Specifies whether to display the detailed information for info-level and error-level errors that are output to the log during the SSL handshake processing between the client and the server. If you want to enable SSL, we recommend that you set this directive to On.

2.3.62 HWSLogTimeVerbose

Specification of whether to display the time to the millisecond when information is output to the log

Specifies whether to display, to the millisecond, the timestamps of the error log and the request log, the access time of the access log, the time taken for the request processing (%T), and the time when the request processing was started (%t).

2.3.63 HWSMaxQueueSize

Specification of the maximum number of waiting requests from the client

Specifies the maximum number of waiting requests from the client.

2.3.64 HWSPrfId

Specification of the character string that was specified in the PRF identifier when the PRF daemon started

Specifies the character string that was specified in the PRF identifier when the PRF daemon started.

2.3.65 HWSPrfSpool

Specification of the directory name to be set in the PRFSPOOL environment variable that is required for using the PRF daemon

Specifies the directory name to be set in the PRFSPOOL environment variable that is required for using the PRF daemon.

2.3.66 HWSProxyPassReverseCookie

Conversion of the Set-Cookie header that was received from the backend server when a reverse proxy is used

When a reverse proxy is being used, the reverse proxy converts the Set-Cookie header that was received from the backend server. After the web browser receives the Set-Cookie header, the header must be converted to enable cookies to be sent, for requests to the backend server via the reverse proxy.

2.3.67 HWSRequestLog

Specification of the output destination of the request log

Specifies the name of the file to which the request log is to be output.

2.3.68 HWSRequestLogType

Specification of the trace type to be output to the request log

Specifies the trace type to be output to the request log that is set in the HWSRequestLog directive.

2.3.69 HWSSetEnvIfIPv6

Setting of an environment variable by using the IPv6_address of the client or server

Defines an environment variable by using the IPv6_address of the client or the server.

2.3.70 HWSSuppressModuleTrace

Suppression of the output of the module trace

Specifies the module file name and function type that suppress the output of module trace.

2.3.71 HWSTraceIdFile

Specification of the name of the file that stores the shared memory ID for collecting the trace

Specifies the name of the file that stores the shared memory ID for collecting the trace.

2.3.72 HWSTraceLogFile

Specification of the name of the file where the trace collected to the shared memory is output when the server process ends abnormally

Specifies the name of the file where the trace collected to the shared memory is output when the server process ends abnormally.

2.3.73 ImapBase

Specification of the default value for the base line of the image map file

Specifies the default value for the base line of the image map file.

2.3.74 ImapDefault

Specification of the default value for the default line of the image map file

Specifies the default value for the default line of the image map file.

2.3.75 ImapMenu

Specification of the menu display

Specifies the menu display when map is specified for the value of the image map file or when the mouse is pointing to the coordinate (0,0) in the image map file. This item also defines the menu display when the image map file is requested without any coordinate specification.

2.3.76 Include

Specification of the file that is to be used as a configuration file

Enables the file specified in file_name to be used as a configuration file.

2.3.77 IndexIgnore

Specification of the file names that are not to be displayed in the web browser when the directory index is displayed

Specifies the file names that are not to be displayed in the web browser when the directory index is displayed. This item can also be specified by using regular expressions.

2.3.78 IndexOptions

Setting of the option of the function that formats and displays the directory index

Sets the option of the function that formats and displays the directory index

2.3.79 IndexOrderDefault

Specification of the default order in which files are displayed in the directory index

Specifies the default order in which files are displayed in the directory index.

2.3.80 KeepAlive

Specification of whether to enable KeepAlive connections

Specifies whether to enable KeepAlive connections.

2.3.81 KeepAliveTimeout

Specification of the request wait time when using a KeepAlive connection

Specifies the request wait time (in seconds) when using a KeepAlive connection.

2.3.82 LanguagePriority

Specification of the order of priority when the client does not specify the priority of the language to be used

Specifies the languages to be used, in order of priority starting from those of high priority.

2.3.83 LimitRequestBody

Specification of the upper limit on the size of the object body that the server can receive

Specifies the upper limit on the size of the body (data) when the server receives a request sent from the web browser via HTTP communication.

2.3.84 LimitRequestFields

Specification of the upper limit on the number of the HTTP headers that the server can receive

Specifies the upper limit on the number of the HTTP headers when the server receives a request sent from the web browser via HTTP communication.

2.3.85 LimitRequestFieldsize

Specification of the upper limit on the size of a single HTTP header that the server can receive

Specifies the upper limit on the size of a single HTTP header when the server receives a request sent from the web browser via HTTP communication.

2.3.86 LimitRequestLine

Specification of the upper limit on the length of the request line that the server can receive

Specifies the upper limit on the length of the request line (method, URI including the inquiry string, and HTTP version) when the server receives a request sent from the web browser via HTTP communication.

2.3.87 Listen

Specification of the IP address and port number that accept the request

Specifies the IP address and the port number that accept the request.

2.3.88 ListenBacklog

Specification of the upper limit on the number of connection requests from the client that can be kept in the queue

Specifies the upper limit on the number of connection requests from the client that can be kept in the queue.

2.3.89 LoadFile

Specification of the object file or library that contains a code referenced by a module embedded by DSO

Specifies the object file or library that contains a code referenced by a module embedded by DSO.

2.3.90 LoadModule

Specification of the module that is dynamically embedded into the web server

Specifies the module to be dynamically embedded into the web server.

2.3.91 LogFormat

Definition of a label name for the log format

Defines a label name for the log format. The label name defined by this item can be specified in the CustomLog directive.

2.3.92 LogLevel

Specification of the level of the errors to be output to the error log

Specifies the level of the errors to be output to the error log Errors of levels higher than the specified level will be output to the log.

2.3.93 MaxKeepAliveRequests

Specification of the upper limit on the number of continuous KeepAlive connections

Specifies the upper limit on the number of continuous KeepAlive connections

2.3.94 MultiviewsMatch

Specification of the type of extension that is the target of content negotiation

Specifies the type of extension that is the target of content negotiation.

2.3.95 Options

Restrictions on the functions that users can use

To be specified when you want to restrict the functions that the users can use.

2.3.96 Order

Specification of the order in which the specifications of the Allow directive and the Deny directive are evaluated

Specifies the order in which the specifications of the Allow directive and the Deny directive are evaluated.

2.3.97 PassEnv

Specification of the environment variable to be passed to the CGI script

Specifies an environment variable to be passed to the CGI script.

2.3.98 PidFile

Specification of the file for storing the control process ID

Specifies the file for storing the control process ID.

2.3.99 ProxyErrorOverride

Specification of whether to overwrite the response from the backend server if the response is an error status code

Overrides the response header and response body when the backend server returns a 400-series or 500-series status code. As a result, the reverse proxy generates and returns a response to the client, instead of returning the response from the backend server.

2.3.100 ProxyPass

Specification of the request and address to be transferred to the backend server

Specifies the request from the web browser and the address from which the request was sent, when a reverse proxy is used.

2.3.101 ProxyPassReverse

Change of the URL in the Location header received from the backend server

Changes the URL indicated by the Location header in the redirect response from the backend server, when a reverse proxy is used.

2.3.102 ProxyPreserveHost

Specification of whether the value of the Host header received from the client is to be transferred to the backend server

Specifies whether the value of the Host header received from the client is to be transferred to the backend server, when a reverse proxy is used.

2.3.103 ProxyTimeout

Specification of the wait time for transmission to or from the backend server

Specifies the wait time (in seconds) for transmission to or from the backend server.

2.3.104 ProxyVia

Control of the use of the Via header

To be specified when you want to control the use of the Via header on the proxy.

2.3.105 QOSCookieDomain

Specification of the domain where the cookie used by the flow control functionality is enabled

Specifies the domain where the cookie used by the flow control functionality is enabled. This value is used in HWS creation mode but not in user creation mode.

2.3.106 QOSCookieExpires

Specification of the amount of time for which the cookie used by the flow control functionality is enabled

Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) for which the cookie used by the flow control functionality is enabled. The value specified in this directive is used in HWS creation mode, but not in user creation mode.

2.3.107 QOSCookieName

Specification of the name of the cookie used by the flow control functionality

Specifies the name of the cookie used by the flow control functionality.

2.3.108 QOSCookieSecure

Specification of whether to send a cookie only when SSL access occurs

Specifies whether to send a cookie to the client only when SSL access occurs. This value is used in HWS creation mode but not in user creation mode.

2.3.109 QOSCookieServers

Specification of the number of server threads when only the requests that send cookies are being processed

Specifies the number of server threads when only the requests that send cookies are processed, if the number of server threads in the request waiting status decreases.

2.3.110 QOSRedirect

Redirection of requests rejected by the flow control functionality

To be specified when requests from the client are to be redirected to the specified path when request processing is rejected by the flow control functionality.

2.3.111 QOSRejectionServers

Specification of the number of server processes when all received requests are being rejected

Specifies the number of server threads when the number of server threads in the request waiting status decreases and all received requests are being rejected.

2.3.112 QOSResponse

Specification of the content to be returned as the response when processing is rejected by the flow control functionality

Specifies the content to be returned with the status code 503 when processing is rejected by the flow control functionality.

2.3.113 ReadmeName

Specification of the file containing the comments to be appended as Readme when the directory index is displayed

Specifies the name (without path information) of the file containing the comments to be appended as Readme when the directory index is displayed.

2.3.114 Redirect

Specification for redirecting requests from clients

To be specified when the requests sent from clients to the old path are to be redirected to a new path.

2.3.115 RedirectMatch

Specification for redirecting requests from clients that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions

To be specified when the requests sent from clients to paths that meet conditions specified by using regular expressions are to be redirected to a new path.

2.3.116 RequestHeader

Customization of the request header

To be specified when you want to customize the header value received from the client.

2.3.117 RequestReadTimeout

Specification of the timeout time from the start of the reception of the request, to the end of the reception of the request header, and from the start of the reception of the request body to the end

Specifies the timeout time (in seconds) from the start of reception of requests to the end of reception of the request header, and from the start of reception of the request body to the end.

2.3.118 Require

Definitions for access restriction

Defines access restriction. This item is to be specified with the following directives: AuthName, AuthType, and AuthUserFile (or AuthGroupFile).

2.3.119 Satisfy

Specification of the conditions for access when access to content is restricted both by user authentication, and by host name or IP address

Specifies the conditions for access when access to content is restricted both by user authentication (for example, by specifying the AuthUserFile or Require directive) and by host name or IP address (for example, by specifying the Allow from or Deny from directive).

2.3.120 Script

Execution of a CGI script for a specific method

Executes the script specified by cgi_script_name when a request is made by using the specified method.

2.3.121 ScriptAlias

Specification of the URL for executing a CGI program and the name of the directory where the CGI program is located

Specifies the name of the directory containing the CGI program to be executed for requests to execute the CGI program specified by URL, that are received from the web browser.

2.3.122 ScriptAliasMatch

Specification of a regular expression for the URL for executing a CGI program and the name of the directory where the CGI program is located

Executes the CGI program in the specified new path when the URL of a request to execute the CGI program specified from the web browser meets conditions specified by using regular expressions.

2.3.123 ScriptInterpreterSource

Specification of the interpreter to be used to execute the CGI script

Defines the interpreter to be used to execute the CGI script.

2.3.124 ScriptLog

Specification of the output destination of the error log for the CGI script

Specifies the file to which the error log for the CGI script is output.

2.3.125 ScriptLogBuffer

Specification of the maximum value when the log for the request body is obtained

Specifies the maximum value (in bytes) when the log for the body of a request made by the PUT or POST method is obtained. This specification applies only when the ScriptLog directive is used to specify the file to which the error log is output.

2.3.126 ScriptLogLength

Specification of the maximum size of the error log file for the CGI script

Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of the error log file for the CGI script. This specification applies only when the ScriptLog directive is used to specify the file to which the error log is output.

2.3.127 SendBufferSize

Specification of the TCP transmission buffer size of the web server

Specifies the TCP transmission buffer size (in bytes) of the web server.

2.3.128 ServerAdmin

Specification of the email address of the server administrator

Specifies the email address of the server administrator. Be sure to specify this if you want to specify the email address in the ServerSignature directive.

2.3.129 ServerAlias

Specification of the alias for the host name to be used by the virtual host based on the server name

Specifies the alias for the host name to be used by the virtual host based on the server name (ServerName). You can also specify a host name corresponding to an IPv6 address.

2.3.130 ServerName

Specification of the server name and port number of the web server

Specifies the server name and the port number of the web server.

2.3.131 ServerPath

Specification of the path name to connect to each host by using the path name instead of the Host header, for the virtual host based on the server name

To be specified when you want to connect to each host by using the path name instead of the Host header for the virtual host based on the server name.

2.3.132 ServerRoot

Specification of the root directory of the server

Specifies the absolute path of the root directory of the server.

2.3.133 ServerSignature

Specification of whether to add a signature to the footer of content such as error messages created by the web server

Specifies whether to add a signature to the footer of content such as error messages created by the web server.

2.3.134 ServerTokens

Specification of the format of the Server header

Specifies the format of the Server header of the HTTP response header.

2.3.135 SetEnv

Specification of the values of the environment variables to be passed to the CGI script

Specifies values for the environment variables to be passed to the CGI script. If you specify this directive more than once, you cannot specify different values for the same environment variable.

2.3.136 SetEnvIf

Definition of an environment variable based on a request from the client

Sets the specified environment variable when the value of the request from the client meets conditions specified by using regular expressions.

2.3.137 SetEnvIfNoCase

Definition of an environment variable based on a request from the client

Sets the specified environment variable when the value of the request from the client meets conditions specified by using regular expressions.

2.3.138 SetHandler

Specification of the name of the handler to which requests are to be associated

Specifies the name of the handler to which all requests within the scope of the specified <Directory> or the access control file are to be associated.

2.3.139 SSLBanCipher

Specification to reject access of the specified encryption type and to send the status code "403 Forbidden"

Rejects access of the specified encryption type and sends the status code "403 Forbidden" to the client.

2.3.140 SSLCACertificateFile

Specification of the CA certificate file

Specifies the name of the public key file (in PEM format) of the CA (certificate authority) when SSL is used to authenticate the server and the client. You can concatenate multiple certificate files so that one file contains multiple certificates.

2.3.141 SSLCertificateFile

Specification of the web server certificate file for SSL authentication

Specifies the name of the web server certificate file (in PEM format) for SSL authentication.

2.3.142 SSLCertificateKeyFile

Specification of the public key file on the web server for SSL authentication

Specifies the name of the public key file on the web server for SSL authentication.

2.3.143 SSLCertificateKeyPassword

Specification of the file for storing the passwords of password-protected server public keys

Specifies the path name of the file for storing the passwords of password-protected server public keys.

2.3.144 SSLCRLAuthoritative

Specification of the operation when the date of the next CRL issuance passes

Specifies how to handle the next issuance date of the CRL to be used for SSL client authentication.

2.3.145 SSLCRLDERPath

Specification of the directory that contains CRLs in DER format

Specifies the absolute path of the directory that contains CRLs in DER format. If you store the required CRLs in the specified directory and then start or restart the web server, the CRLs can be used for SSL client authentication. If the directory contains multiple CRLs issued by the same CA (including the CRLs in the directory specified in the SSLCRLPEMPath directive), the CRL that has the most recent issuance date is used.

2.3.146 SSLCRLPEMPath

Specification of the directory that contains CRLs in PEM format

Specifies the absolute path of the directory that contains CRLs in PEM format. If you store the required CRLs in the specified directory and then start or restart the web server, the CRLs can be used for SSL client authentication. If the directory contains multiple CRLs issued by the same CA (including the CRLs in the directory specified in the SSLCRLDERPath directive), the CRL that has the most recent issuance date is used.

2.3.147 SSLDenySSL

Prohibition of access by SSL

To be specified to prohibit access by SSL. If this directive is specified, the status code is "403 Forbidden" is issued and access by https is rejected even if the SSLEnable directive is used to enable SSL. This item is the opposite of the SSLRequireSSL directive.

2.3.148 SSLDisable

Specification to disable SSL

Disables SSL. SSL is enabled by default (or by specification of the SSLEnable directive). This item is to be specified, for example, to disable SSL on a specific host on a virtual host.

2.3.149 SSLEnable

Specification to enable SSL

Enables SSL. SSL is enabled by default (unless the SSLDisable directive is specified, SSL is enabled).

2.3.150 SSLExportCertChainDepth

Specification for the certificates from the CA that issued the client certificate, to those from the root CA, to be set for the environment variable SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n

Specifies for the certificates from the CA that issued the client certificate to those from the root CA, to be set for the environment variable SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n for SSL client authentication.

2.3.151 SSLExportClientCertificates

Specification to set a client certificate for the environment variable SSL_CLIENT_CERT

Specifies for a client certificate to be set for the environment variable SSL_CLIENT_CERT for SSL client authentication. Set the value derived by changing the DER certificate to Base64 encoding, for the environment variable SSL_CLIENT_CERT.

2.3.152 SSLFakeBasicAuth

Basic authentication using a client certificate

Along with SSL client authentication, this item enables Basic authentication by using only the client certificate, even if the user ID and the password are not entered in the web browser. The file specified in the AuthUserFile directive must contain the Subject and the password for the X509 client certificate.

2.3.153 SSLProtocol

Specification of the SSL protocol version to be used

Specifies the SSL protocol version to be used.

2.3.154 SSLRequireCipher

Specification to reject access of all encryption types other than the specified type and to send the status code "403 Forbidden"

Rejects access of all encryption types other than the specified type, and sends the status code "403 Forbidden" to the client.

2.3.155 SSLRequiredCiphers

Specification of the encryption types that can be used for SSL communication

Specifies the encryption types that can be used for SSL communication. If one of the encryption types specified in this directive matches one of the encryption types that can be used by the client, SSL communication can be established and HTTP requests can be received. If none of these encryption types match, SSL communication cannot be established and HTTP requests cannot be received.

2.3.156 SSLRequireSSL

Prohibition of non-SSL access

To be specified to prohibit non-SSL access. If this directive is specified, the status code "403 Forbidden" is issued and http access is rejected, even when SSL is disabled by the SSLDisable directive. This item prevents the inadvertent disabling of SSL and inadvertent disclosure of content that might occur if other directives are incorrectly specified.

2.3.157 SSLSessionCacheSize

Specification of the maximum session cache size

Specifies the maximum session cache size (in bytes). If 0 is specified, no session caching is performed.

2.3.158 SSLSessionCacheTimeout

Specification of the amount of time for which SSL sessions are enabled

Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) for which data, such as session ID information, that is retained on the web server or on the SSL session management cache server "gcache" is enabled.

2.3.159 SSLVerifyClient

Settings related to the certificates for client authentication

Specifies the settings related to the certificates for client authentication.

2.3.160 SSLVerifyDepth

Specification of the level to which certificate chains are to be tracked

Specifies the level to which certificate chains are to be tracked.

2.3.161 ThreadsPerChild

Specification of the number of threads created when the web server is started

Specifies the number of threads created when the web server is started.

2.3.162 Timeout

Specification of the wait time for web server transmission

Specifies the wait time (in seconds) for web server transmission.

2.3.163 TraceEnable

Specification of whether to reject requests made by the TRACE method

Specifies whether to reject requests made by the TRACE method.

2.3.164 TransferLog

Output of the access log in the format specified in the LogFormat directive without specifying the label name

Specifies the file that contains the log or the program that outputs the log. The log format can be specified in the LogFormat directive without the label name specification.

If the log format is specified in the LogFormat directive, IPv6 addresses and host names corresponding to IPv6 addresses can be output.

If the log format is not specified in the LogFormat directive, the log is output in the standard log format.

2.3.165 TypesConfig

Specification of the configuration file that defines the relationships between file extensions and content types

Specifies the configuration file that defines the relationships between file extensions and the content types (MIME types).

2.3.166 UnsetEnv

Specification to delete the environment variable specified in the SetEnv directive or the PassEnv directive, from the environment variables to be passed to the CGI script

To be specified when the environment variable specified in the SetEnv directive or in the PassEnv directive are to be deleted from the environment variables to be passed to the CGI script.

2.3.167 UseCanonicalName

Specification of how to generate the formal name of the server

Specifies how to generate the formal name of the server. The formal name of the server is set to the URL that references the local server and the environment variables SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT. IPv6 addresses are supported for all of the following: On, Off, and dns.

2.3.168 UserDir

Specification of the location on the server to be disclosed when the web browser issues a request to /~user_name/

Specifies the directory name of the location on the server to be disclosed when the web browser issues a request to /~user_name/.

Definition items (utilities) used by the web server

Definition item (utility)



2.6.1 rotatelogs

Splitting the log by time

You can split the access log or the error log by time and output them to multiple files.

2.6.2 rotatelogs2

Splitting the log by file size

You can split the access log or the error log by log file size and output them to multiple files by using the "wraparound" method.