
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.3.165 TypesConfig

TypesConfig specifies the configuration file that defines the relationship between file extensions and a content type.


TypesConfig specifies the configuration file that defines the relationship between file extensions and a content type (MIME type). For file_name, specify an absolute path, or a relative path from the value specified in the ServerRoot directive.

Specify the each item in the configuration file in the following format. Lines that only have a MIME type specified will be ignored.

MIME_type file_extension [file_extension ...]

Adding # to the beginning of a line changes the line to a comment.


TypesConfig file_name

Default values

If the definition item is omitted:


Location where it can be written



TypesConfig conf/mime.types

The configuration file of the MIME type is mime.types.