
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.3.87 Listen

Listen specifies the IP address and port number that accept requests.


Listen specifies the IP address and port number that accept requests. You must specify this directive.

For IP_address, you can also specify an IPv6 address. If you specify an IPv6 address, enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets ([ ]). Note that if you only specify a port number without specifying an IP address, only requests that use an IPv4 address are accepted. For this reason, if you use an IPv6 address, you must specify an IPv6 address for the Listen directive.

Important note

To restart the server after changing the IP address in the Listen directive, stop the server and then restart it. If you attempt to restart the server by a command, the server might fail to start.


Listen [IP_address:]port_number

Location where it can be written



Listen 80
Listen [2001::123:4567:89ab:cdef]:8080
Listen [::]:80