
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.3.69 HWSSetEnvIfIPv6

HWSSetEnvIfIPv6 defines environment variables based on the IPv6 address of the client or server.


HWSSetEnvIfIPv6 defines environment variables based on the IPv6 address of the client or server. The specified environment variables are configured if the specified request value meets the conditions indicated by the IPv6 address. The default value to be set is 1. If environment_variable is preceded by an exclamation mark (!), the environment variable setting is canceled.

The request value can be one of the following:

Request value



The IPv6 address of the client


The IPv6 address of the server that received the request.

Do not enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets ([ ]). You can specify the prefix length in a decimal number format after the IPv6 address. To specify the prefix length, use the format IPv6_address/prefix_length.


HWSSetEnvIfIPv6 request_value IPv6_address environment_variable[=value][environment_variable[=value]...]

Locations where it can be written

httpsd.conf, <VirtualHost>, <Directory>, and .htaccess

Overwrite permission

FileInfo level


This example configures the environment variable IPV6_CLIENT if the IPv6 address of the client starts with 2001:0:0:1230.

HWSSetEnvIfIPv6 Remote_Addr 2001:0:0:1230::/64 IPV6_CLIENT