
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.3.26 Alias

Alias specifies another name to replace a URL to a file system path.


Alias specifies another name to replace the specific URL requested from a web browser. However, you cannot specify anything (query string) after the question mark (?) in URL. The directory specified in URL is replaced with the directory specified in directory_name, and is displayed on the web browser.

A URL that is the same as the following directive value cannot be specified.

For example, the following specification is not possible:

Alias /aaa/bbb/ C:/alias/
ProxyPass /aaa/

Specify the directory name using an absolute path.


Alias URL directory_name

Locations where it can be written

httpsd.conf and <VirtualHost>


Alias /icons/ "installation_directory_for_Application_Server/httpsd/icons/"

/icons/ is replaced with installation_directory_for_Application_Server/httpsd/icons/.