
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.3.57 HWSErrorLogClientAddr

HWSErrorLogClientAddr changes the client address that is output to the error log to the value of the X-Forwarded-For header.


On the back-end server, HWSErrorLogClientAddr changes [client client_address:port_number] in the message text that is output to the error log to [X-Forwarded-For value_of_the_X-Forwarded-For_header].

When the back-end server receives a request through the load balancer or proxy server, the[client client_address:port_number] that the back-end server outputs might be the IP address of the load balancer or proxy server, instead of the IP address of the client that sent the request. However, the load balancer or proxy server might add the client IP address to the X-Forwarded-For header. Change [client client_address:port_number] to [X-Forwarded-For value_of_the_X-Forwarded-For_header] so that the client IP address is output.


When an error occurs before receiving the X-Forwarded-For header, or in some messages, you cannot change [client client_address:port_number].


HWSErrorLogClientAddr X-Forwarded-For

Specifiable value


Changes [client client_address:port_number] that is output to the error log to [X-Forwarded-For value_of_the_X-Forwarded-For_header].

Location where it can be written
