
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.3.13 AddAlt

AddAlt specifies a character string associated with the file extension to be displayed instead of the icon when the directory index is displayed.


AddAlt displays character strings associated with the file specified by the extension when the directory index is displayed. You can specify multiple extensions for one character string. You can use this to display a file attribute or some other information if icons cannot be displayed (for example, if text-based web browsers are used).

You can specify one of the following in the extension:

If you specify this directive more than once, you cannot specify different character strings for the same extension.


AddAlt character_string extension [extension ...]

Locations where it can be written

httpsd.conf, <VirtualHost>, <Directory>, and .htaccess

Overwrite permission

Indexes level


AddAlt "HTML" htm html

If the file extension is htm or html, the character string "HTML" is displayed.