
Hitachi Application Server V10 Definition Reference Guide (For Windows® Systems)

2.3.145 SSLCRLDERPath

SSLCRLDERPath specifies the directory that stores the CRLs in the DER format.


SSLCRLDERPath specifies the absolute path to the directory that stores CRLs in the DER format. To use CRLs for SSL client authentication, store the required CRLs in the specified directory, and then start or restart the web server. If the directory contains multiple CRLs issued by the same CA (including the CRLs in the directory specified in the SSLCRLPEMPath directive), the CRL that has the most recent issuance date is used. If the directory contains a file that is not a CRL in the DER format, the web server will not start.


SSLCRLDERPath path_name

Locations where it can be written

httpsd.conf and <VirtualHost>


SSLCRLDERPath "installation_directory_for_Application_Server/httpsd/conf/ssl/crl/DER"

Specify the directory for storing CRL files in the DER format.