uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


3.2.2 Overview of data acquisition settings (Systems that execute J2EE applications)

For changing the default settings (Output destination or log size) of data or acquiring the data that is not acquired by default, editing the Easy Setup definition file or User definition file and specify the settings. This subsection describes whether you must specify the settings of the systems executing J2EE applications to acquire the data (log) in advance. This subsection also provides an overview of the setting methods.

For each data type, the following tables separately describe the data items for which the data collection settings must be specified and the data items for which settings must only be specified when changing the default data collection settings.

Data items that require data collection settings

Table 3-3 Data acquisition settings (Systems executing J2EE applications)

Type of material Settings for collecting the material Reference manual Reference point
Application user log Set up the logger or handler settings, output level of log, size, and the number of files in the <configuration> tag of logical J2EE server (j2ee-server), in the Easy Setup definition file.
Use server.policy to specify the security policy.
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide Chapter 9
Statistical information of OS In Windows, specify the performance data collection settings of system resources on the Windows system monitor. This manual 3.3.16
User dump In Windows, specify the settings for collecting user dumps with Dr. Watson# or the environment variable (CJMEMDUMP_PATH). This manual 3.3.17
core dump In Unix, specify the settings for collecting core file using the simple setup definition file and shell commands. This manual 3.3.18
JavaVM material Set up the thread dump of JavaVM, output methods, or output contents of the JavaVM logs (JavaVM log files) in the Easy Setup definition file. You can also set up name of a file that executes the event log output or the output level of log in the Explicit Heap Memory Management functionality. This manual 3.3.19

In this manual, the Dr. Watson Diagnostic Tool included in Windows is referred to as Dr. Watson.

Data items that must be set up only when changing the default data collection settings

Table 3-4 Data acquisition settings (Systems executing J2EE applications)

Type of material Settings for collecting the material Reference manual Reference point
snapshot log To change the collection destination, collection method, and collection timing of the snapshot log, edit the user definition file This manual 3.3.1, 3.3.3
Management Server log Use mserver.properties (environment setting files of the Management Server), to set up an output level of a log or to set up the number of log files. This manual 3.3.5
Trace based performance analysis file Use mserver.properties (environment settings file of Management Server) to specify the number of Trace based performance analysis files.
Specify the trace acquisition level of performance tracer or number of PFR trace files in the <configuration> tag of Logical Performance Tracer (performance-tracer) in the Easy Setup definition file.
This manual 7.5
J2EE server log Set up the output level of a log, size, and number of files in <configuration> tag of logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file.
When settings of system log output are enabled by ejbserver.logger.systemlog.enabled in the <configuration> tag of logical J2EE server (j2ee-server), the start and stop of J2EE server and abnormal termination messages are output in an event log (in UNIX, syslog).
This manual 3.3.6
SFO server log Set up the output level of a log, size and number of files in the <configuration> tag of logical SFO server (sfo-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. This manual 3.3.8
Web server log Set up the output level of a log and output destination of Web server in the <configuration> tag of logical Web server (web-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. This manual 3.3.9
Redirector log Set up the output level of a log, size, and number of files of redirector in the <configuration> tag of logical Web server (web-server), in the Easy Setup definition file.
Specify prefixes of log file names in mod_jk.conf.
This manual 3.3.10
In-process HTTP server log Set up the availability of log output in the in-process HTTP server and the number of files in the <configuration> tag of logical J2EE server (j2ee-server), in the Easy Setup definition file. You can define the format to customize the output format of an access log.
For details about customizing access logs of the in-process HTTP server, see 5.17.2 Customizing the access logs of the in-process HTTP server in the uCosminexus Application Server Web Container Functionality Guide.
This manual 3.3.11
Operation information file Set up output destination of operation information file or number of files in the <configuration> tag of logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) or logical SFO server (sfo-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide 3.3.3
Cosminexus Manager log Use manager.cfg to specify the number and size of the files of the integrated log. This manual 3.3.12
Console log Use adminagent.properties to specify the application of output, the number, and the size of the console log files. uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide 11.3
Resource adapter log Specify the application of log output for each resource adapter using Server management commands.
Set up the output level of a log, size, and the number of files in the <configuration> tag of logical J2EE server (j2ee-server), in the Easy Setup definition file.
This manual 3.3.13
Cosminexus TPBroker trace file Set up the output destination of trace file or number of files in the Easy Setup definition file (in the <configuration> tag of logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)) and usrconf.bat (in UNIX, usrconf) and usrconf.properties for the server management commands. This manual 3.3.14
Cosminexus JMS Provider log Set up the output level, number of files, and log file size in commonconfig.properties or config.properties and admin.properties for the CJMSP Broker and the management command (cjmsicmd) log.
Also, set up the output level, number of files, and log file size of the CJMSP resource adapter log in the Connector property file.
This manual 3.3.15
Server management command log You can use usrconf.bat (in UNIX, usrconf) and usrconf.properties for server management commands to specify the log output level. uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide 3.4

The snapshot logs described here can be collected in batches. In the trace file of Cosminexus TPBroker, the material that can be collected and the material that cannot be collected are mixed. In addition to this, you need to make the settings for collection and add the collection destination of the snapshot log for those logs that cannot be acquired with default settings. Collect user dumps (in Windows) or core dumps (in UNIX) for specific file names. To collect the material when an error occurs, you need to use the user created command at error detection time.

Note that you cannot change the log output destination for the following logs:

For details about log types or default values, channel names, details of logs that can be acquired or acquisition methods, see 2.4 Types of Required Data.